Friday, December 31, 2010

The finish line's a good place we could start.

If the epic Harry Potter had its Deathly Hallows, the legendary The Beatles concluded with Abbey Road and the heartwarming Toy Story ended with, well, Toy Story 3, then manicaaaa has her version of a historic farewell too.

You know, that preamble sounds tad better when it's in my head. But now that it's out there it sounds more stuck-up than I intend to. Not my fault. I was aiming for a dramatic goodbye anyway.

Yes, this is the end folks. The end as we know it. It has been quite a good run, huh? A four year-run to be precise. I'm ending "Waiting for my Rocket to Come" because I believe my rocket has finally come. Finally.

All was well. Here comes the sun. So long, partner.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm looking hard in the mirror but I don't fit my skin.

I am losing it.

I don’t know how much justice I can put into that and I don't feel like going on about it either. But right now that certainly seems to be where my most of my days is heading: into a dodge of non being. This is not one of those down-in-the-dumps episodes wherein all I need is the comfort of my friends to get me right. This really isn't. This is also neither of those nights when I pine for the return of the good old days. This really isn't.

I can tell you when or how it started but I simply know no beginnings. For the time being, though, I’ll consider sleeping. Maybe all of these apprehensions will have vaporized into the atmosphere by the time I wake up tomorrow.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

She needs me now but I can't seem to find a time.

"But we're gonna start by
Drinking old cheap bottles of wine,
Sit talking up all night,
Saying things we haven't for a while, a while, yeah.
We're smiling but we're close tears.
Even after all these years,
We just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time..."
- For the First Time, The Script

This song effortlessly justifies my fanaticism for this band. All hail.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Missed opportunities and "I Don't Cares"

Expect a long, random stream of psychobabbling.

My stories are all getting rusty. They're not even a lot, but still.

Using the Internet regularly is beginning to bore and tire me. If it were not for the music and for my friends' updates I don't think I would still be clicking and snapping away on these shiny hardwares. Everything is just so... phony. And arranged. And obligatory. Especially in this time and era, when posting philosophical quotations and high and mighty statuses seem to be the only way to make people think that you're awesome and sophisticated. I'm not coming clean by saying this. Press charges on me for such claims and I will be guilty. Very, guilty. All I'm saying is, some people that are on these sites are just glorified version of their selves. That's not truly who they are, which goes against those "stay-true-to-yourself" lessons that we have been forced to live by since gradeschool.

Lol. What am I even saying? I'm thinking this might be some ill effect of that intensely lengthy and dreary speech which I'll be delivering on Monday. I'm really psyched and at the same time, really anxious. I'll be representing my college (Arts and Sciences) by giving out a 7-minute speech on Philippine social and political issues. The piece is great. Actually it makes me wish I have written it myself. Anyway, I presented before my English class this morning (It was in fact my English professor who picked me. Haha.) and they said that I still have to work on my gestures and vowel pronunciations (A classmate remarked that it's possibly because of my braces. I'm wishing real hard that my teeth are aligned already so I can have them removed by Friday. And that is not just because of that speech. Theoretically, they should really be out of my mouth by now.) Also, I'm a complete novice at this discipline that's why I've been praying to Jesus, Joseph and Mary (Happy Birthday!) to enlighten me so my mind won't go blank once I'm up that platform. (My seatmate actually gave me a note that reads "Think that you can do it, and you will." Haha! It was really sweet. And unexpected.)

(I make inappropriately long side comments.)

THE GLEE MUSIC VOLUME 1 IS FINISHED DOWNLOADING! I KNOW. I'M A GLEEK. BUT APART FROM ME BEI-- Using capital letters looks hostile so let's start again. The Glee Music Volume 1 is finished downloading! I know. I'm a gleek. But apart from me being a gleek, my excitement is also because of my recent exploration on different genres of music. So far, I'm estimating 20 new albums have been added to our library because of this said exploration. That includes Breakthrough (Colbie Caillat), The Blueprint 3 (Jay-Z), Bipolar (Up Dharma Down), Battle Studies (John Mayer) and many, many more. One hundred seventy-three tracks more, and our library's hitting 2-0-0-0!

In addition to the mentioned musical exploration, I have also kept myself occupied with books. The Mysterious Benedict Society, The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey (Trenton Lee Stewart), Dead Sleep (Greg Iles) and The Catcher In The Rye (J.D. Salinger) are my freshest acquisitions. Although, I think I will be shifting my interest to young adult fiction (The first two are regarded as Children Literature). To books that would suit my age bracket. But my funds are running low at the moment so I'm settling for my sister's Shutter Island.

Well look at the time. It's a Thursday so I should be expecting to see Micah for our weekly lunch date. Finally. That seemed like forever.

Goodnight citizens of the world.

P.S. I removed my DP again. For obvious reasons.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine.

Pocketful of Sunshine has now become my present shower song because of this. Emma Stone is simply adorable! I've loved her since "The Rocker." Easy A must be a good watch.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining.

My wits are perturbed for particular academic reasons, and can't come up with an obligatory birthday message. So instead, I'll give a somewhat detailed account of how I spent my Saturday afternoon in the company of a beautiful girl who owns those compelling smiles.

Let's start at a message I received from Kristine earlier this week, wherein she notified me about a mini get-together with a few Gryffindor (funny how I use the name now) people on Saturday. I agreed right away. After the exhausting examinations, a time with the friends I missed is much timely.

Saturday. My neon green alarm clock screams half an hour past one already. I'm late. Quickly, I tossed in a default maroon polo shirt, a pair of tight-fitting jeans and loose powder on my face, and I'm good to go.

I felt every minute weigh in. Because I'm almost an hour late, I have no phone, and because no final plans were made, I may not see them after all. But I kept my spirits up.

I reached the entrance soon enough. And even before my body temperature adjusted to the mall's ventilation, I saw her. Despite my 100/150 vision, I can tell it was her. And apparently, she was alone.

Hurrying to the second floor, my thoughts were on how I would approach her, or what words would seem fit enough to greet a friend you haven't seen for three months. But by the moment I was within her proximity, those thoughts just vanished.

She shunned away from my direction, and for this I wondered. When I saw her up close, I realized it was because she was crying. Not the bawling-her-eyes type. Just a soft sob. Out of happiness, out of relief, I can't tell.

I'd be lying if I tell you that our conversation carried on naturally and continuously, because it didn't. There were the awkward pauses. The instances when we second guess what to say next. And those times, when we just grinned at each other, like fools.

Don't get me wrong, I was more than happy to be with her at that moment. In the end, she was the same person I met a few months back. The same girl from Pili who has a stature that can give Venus Raj a run for her money. The same girl who gave me advices on nights when I felt like cutting my own wrist. The same girl who likes "Slumdog Millionaire" for special reasons, who dreams of living in a house with walls lined with hundreds of books, and who values memories with her family and friends more than anything else in this fickle world of ours.

Right now, I'm staring at the cursor blink furiously, and I'm still thinking how I can give this tale a righteous ending. But maybe, maybe, I'm not the one who should. So to the rest of the things unwritten here, and in her life, I leave it to her. Because with girls like her, girls like Angela, they're the ones who's bound to get that righteous ending at the finale. We just have to wait and see. :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The thoughts in my head in six bullet points:
  • Seriously, are you really that dense?
  • I hate you, and your nonexistent efforts.
  • For the sake of all things holy and sane, let's all skip into the 26th.
  • Sir, can you give me a written exam instead? Pleaaase?
  • Hey you, come home already. I miss you.
Because life is easier when we use lists. And when we tell the truth.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Live High, Live Mighty

Love Is Mandatory (A Playlist)
Colbie Caillat - You Got Me
Jason Mraz - If It Kills Me
The Cure - Friday, I'm In Love
Michael Cera & Ellen Page - Anyone Else But You
The Beatles - I Will
Hey Monday - 6 Months
Lady Antebellum - Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Glee Cast - Sweet Caroline
Katherine McPhee - Terrified
Adele - Make You Feel My Love
Maroon 5 - Sunday Morning (acoustic)
Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down
The Wonders - Doing That Thing You Do
Corinne Bailey Rae - Like A Star
John Legend - Stay With You

My first try to create a mix tape, and it's all about love. Great. I'll be leaving for a while too. It's our Midterms on 17 and 18. And I'm still keeping that aim, which is to secure a 1.5 - 1.75 GPA at the least. Even if I've been doing poorly on Nat Sci and Filipino lately. Well, there's nothing that a few prayers and reviewers can't arrange. So yes, although it will entail plenty of efforts, I swear I'll reach that aim.
CATHY: "AJA!" :) ♥

Friday, August 06, 2010

Hold Me Down

He finally stopped today. Who? My not-so-secret-slash-slightly-stalkerish-admirer did.

I don't know what pushed him to do it, though. He sent me this apologetic message in Facebook earlier today saying that he wasn't aware how his actions were already affecting other people. And that he'll just pretend that we've never met.

I can't even see why he was into me in the first place. For one, I am most certainly not the poised-and-pretty type. I don't go around the campus sashaying with my tresses agreeing with the blow of the wind. I don't boast a face that can launch a thousand ships. I don't attract the ethereal sunbeams so it would highlight my mega-watt smile. Heck, I don't even own a mega-watt smile.

And for another, he barely knows me, and yet he acts as if he knows me cover me cover. I bet the only thing he can answer in my Bio-Data is my nickname. Not the historic (B e n o) but the easily termed one (N i c a).

I'm not trying to be modest here. I'm just telling the truth. And the truth is, revealing this here is making me miss my friends (again) . Not one of them is aware of this. Just me. And now you. And if my friends did know, they would know just what to do.

*Rereads her post* Ha! I can't believe I just said all of that. I appear haughty. Hee hee.

You're the echoes of my everything.
You're the emptiness the whole world sings at night.
You're the laziness of afternoon.
You're the reason why I burst and why I bloom.
You're the leaky sink of sentiment.
You're the failed attempts I never could forget.
You're the metaphors I can't create to comprehend this curse that I call love.
How will I break the news to you?
How will I break the news to you?
- Hold Me Down, Motion City Soundtrack

I can't get that song off my mind. It's too catchy, too sweet, just like...

Thursday, August 05, 2010


Woah. Has it really been that long? I was backtracking my silly accounts for the past months, and I must say, I truly missed this. The only reason I was putting this off almost every time is the many distractions I have been, and am still dealing with in this big bad world. There are social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter), academic-related matters, power collapses, boredom and lethargy, socio-emotional issues, and the list goes on and on and on. And even if I do update, most of them are bland and incoherent.

Having said that, I officially now welcome you to *drumrolls* Manicaaaa: Season 4! My style of writing changes for every season but I think I'll stay with what I have now. I would like to discuss more of that but my time is limited today. I have yet to work on my movie analysis for Nat. Sci., laboratory papers for Biology and long tests in Psychology and Phil. History. See? I am a busy person. Hee hee.

But before I run off, I want to greet the best mother in the whole galaxy (so cliche, I know) a advance happy birthday. Happy birthday Mama! Too bad she's not here. She's in Manila accompanying my sister for her medical tests. Maybe I'll surprise her with a phone call at midnight instead. Hm, not a bad idea. But we'll see. So long!

My mother may look very goofy here but I love her just the same. :)

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Stop and Stare.

I'm not finished yet, obviously. College days have been pretty strenuous lately. Probably you may want to hear how strenuous it has been but I don't feel like going into that right now. I'm all out of words.

Well, see 'ya.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fadin' like the stars we wish to be.

College is starting to grow on me. I guess it was only time that I truly needed. The first week was like hell on Earth, though. And the first day was the worst. But I'm adjusting a little better to the environment, to the people, and to the curriculum now. In fact, a great deal of changes have occurred in me over the past month.

I'm studying more vigorously. Or I'm studying vigorously, more like. Because I can't really bring back a certain instance when I studied as much as I do now. I try to procrastinate less (Old habits die hard, you know) and do a lot of advance reading. On schooldays, you'll only find me either at home, in a classroom or at the library. Since I don't have any social life to speak of (as of the moment) I devour most of my hours among those untidily stacked books. I walk alone. I eat, study, go to my next class, alone. It's not what I'm used to, but I kind of prefer it that way. The funny thing about my department is, we don't have block sections. For every class, I'll have different sets of classmates. So it's a bunch of strangers over and over again. Don't get me wrong, I do have a few of new friends. But still, I remain as discreet as ever. I only talk when someone else starts to converse, and I normally smile just to be polite.

As for the academics, I'm not really complaining. All of the subjects I'm presently taking (History, Algebra, English, etc.) are all quite basic. Well except for Biology, which takes up three hours of my Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. For the last weeks, it has been involving a microscope, a reliable pencil, and substance-20 bond papers. I'm not too fond of the idea but there's nothing else I can do but to comply. And according to my professor, we'll be sketching more often in the coming semesters. And the frog dissection's another thing I have to look forward to.

Still, I can't shy away from the fact that I really, really, really miss my friends. Sometimes, even when I'm feeling fine, I'll get occasional bouts of depression out of nowhere. But as of today, they're getting less. I guess the distance separating us now will not only allow us to chase our own dreams, but will also help grow into the best version of ourselves. And in a way, that makes me proud of them, of us.
Little by Little - Oasis

Monday, June 07, 2010

Another turning point; a fork stuck in the road.

It took a long while before this piece of reality finally sank in and finally, tonight, everything came clear to me.

This is college life. Gone are the faces I meet and greet each day at school. Gone are the circle of friends who adopted me and whom I've known so well since Day 1 of my freshman year. Gone are the inside jokes, the numerous photo ops, and the long stretches of time spent idling by.

This is college life. Time's not going to slow down, nor will it go back. And although the succeeding days may not be as good as before, I'm not going to mope around like a fool and feel sorry for all my faults that awfully changed my life.

This is college life. I'm going to be headstrong and I will definitely prove all those people who questioned the choices I've made that I have been right all along. I'm going to bring out the utmost version of myself that might even have me surprise.

This is college life. And there's no turning back.
Time Of Your Life - Green Day

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there.

I was re-reading the things I have posted over the summer and it occurred to me that I rarely (or maybe never) mention the things that kept me busy over the past weeks. So I decided to publish them tonight. The days that weren't included here were practically boring and were mainly consumed by texting, eating, sleeping, reading, watching TV, and surfing the net. I wrote all of it in free form complete with the places I've been to and the people I've been with.

March 31
- Went to school to return the graduation toga and cap, walked to Borj's with Jerald, Cathy, Cam, Ivy, Micah and Lala for his graduation party, visited Hinulid with my family right after
April 1 - Swam under the glorious heat in Lago del Ray and stopped at the eight churches in Naga City come nighttime
April 3 - Had a family beach outing in Minalabac
April 4 - Paid my grandmother a visit in Sipocot
April 5 - My first Final Rites at a place in Carolina
April 7 - Left at 7 a.m. for Charm's birthday surprise at their house, went to school to accomplish a couple of PBs and RBs and spent the remaining sunlit hours of the day at SM with Oliver, Ivy, Lala and Cathy
April 8 - Visited UNC to know about the requirements
April 9 - 4 - C's class outing at Peñafrancia Resort
April 10 - Was at school again to acquire some of the requirements for college
April 12 - Helped Oliver carry out his surprise for Ivy and watched "Clash Of The Titans" in 3D (Oliver's treat)
April 13 - Finished my Power Builders with the HCB and ate at Mcdo with Micah
April 15 - Rushed to SM at 5 in the afternoon to listen to Meg's witty opinions concerning politics together with Cathy, Lala, Charm and Ivy
April 16 - Answered my Rate Builders alone, wandered aimlessly across downtown with a Hot Fudge Sundae in hand then went to Cathedral to ask enlightenment about college (Yeah, seriously)
April 17 - Travelled North with my family
April 18 - Strolled around Trinoma and SM North Edsa
April 19 - Enchanted Kingdom!
April 20 - Headed home and had a lot of engine problems and thus arrived at 1 a.m. the next day
April 21 - Finally finished my SRA, got my card, my graduation pictures and the Nicholas Sparks book from Ma'am Chavez, ate lunch at KFC with Cathy and Micah, spent the entire afternoon with the nine Chocoholics and tried the mock elections sponsored by the PPCRV
April 23 - Watched "Up In The Air" with German in Bichara
April 24 - Struggled in stopping someone from coming at our house but succeeded after a few conditions
April 27 - Did an early morning jog with Kirk, had breakfast at Mcdo and watched "Hurt Locker" and "Fright Nights" with Ivy and Cathy by the afternoon
April 29 - Ivy came by to lend me Glee and Dear John DVDs
May 3 - Walked around Centro alone despite the scary thunder and lightnings while eating Jollibee's Chocolate Sundae, bought a May issue of Candy, visited Cathedral again, met up with Oliver and Ivy there then walked home with Ivy
May 5 - Ouiea's treat at Mcdo with Renille and Jenny then "Ironman 2" afterwards
May 8 - Meg stopped by at our house, along with Micah, Lala, Cathy, Ivy and Cam, to ask help for her speech for the turnover of her crown later that day, scanned the pictures but our computer just died all of a sudden, dashed to Ivy's with Micah to finish the presentation, arrived at the venue by 9 p.m. and stayed there 'till 1 a.m.
May 10 - Philippines' first automated election
May 11 - Stayed in line for hours just to get my NSO Birth Certificate with Micah and bought a "Kickass" DVD
May 17 - Took care of my enrollment all by myself which was fun but very, very tiring then treated myself to a Hot Fudge Sundae after that long, tiring day
May 18 - Returned to UNC with Ivy to finalize something about my tuition, ate sundaes at Mcdo, kept laughing at Ivy's inability to strike a smile, did a bit of window shopping and bought a "Nightmare On Elm Street" DVD
May 21 - Lazed around Jenny's place for the whole day with Choco
May 27 - Went out with Herbert before he left on the 30th
May 29 - The first time I've ever been to Carmelite, confessed and attended an anticipated mass with Micah and Ivy and visited Ateneo's ORSEM
May 31 - Spent the entire afternoon at the Zuñiga residence sulking and sobbing while Ivy and Micah tried to cheer me up by dancing to "Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh 2ne4"
June 1 - Micah and Ivy stopped by to return my Stainless Longganisa book
June 2 - Went to UNC again with Ivy and Micah, went home, had lunch at Caby's with Choco, went home again, then to E-mall, Magsaysay and Ma'am Dee's house

So that's about it. How was your summer?
Drive - Incubus

Friday, May 28, 2010

She's got to love nobody.

Blog. Blog. Nailcutter. June 7. Biology. 8:30 pm. 28. May 28. Full Moon. Lady Gaga. Poker face. Glee. Regionals. Wowowee. Willie. Robin. Idol. Lee Dwyze. Phineas. Ferb. Phineas. Ferb. Truth. Honesty. Policy. Rain. Hailstorm. Summer. June. College. June 7. Friends. Choco. 4 - C. Goodbyes. Farewells. Miserable. Miserable. Sad. Bitter. Sweet. Hot fudge Sundae. Mcdo. Kiddie Crew. Renille. 28. 28. Happy. Wake Up. Insomnia. Lala. Jenny. Speechless. Judah. Charm. Camp. YFC Camp. February. 2nd Year. 123Boom!. Jerald. Formspring. Haters. Hate. Love. Indifference. Multiply. DVDR. Lost. Lost. Found. Shooting Star. Airplanes. Haley Williams. Eminem. Chocolate. Brownies. Ivy. Telephone. Cellphone. Sad. Sad. Parents. College. UNC. Damn. BS Biology. Dentistry. Medicine. Future. Present. Gift. Keychain. Frog. Dissection. Yuck. Disgust. Nasty. Janet Jackson. Michael Jackson. Dead. Dead. I am dead.
Poker Face - Lady Gaga

Thursday, May 06, 2010

I need intervention, attention, to stop temptation to scream.

Hindi ko na alam.

Some people had it easy. It looked as if their lives carried on like screenplays. They know what to do, what to say, what to choose. As for me, it's the usual shrug and "I-don't-know." I really just don't know anymore. I feel like a robot. And my circuitry's beginning to depreciate.


Hahahahaha! Time for a sudden shift of mood cause it's time to discuss something surprisingly substantial. The 2010 Elections. (Don't look at me like that. I have nothing new.)

(Err. I can't write well. My mom keeps on asking me if she looks good enough. This not even something surprisingly substantial because she asks me that every single time she goes to her clinic which is everyday, by the way. HAHAHA. Now back to regular programming...)

The constant bombardment of flashy advertisements into the entire mass media only signals one thing: the election is nearing. Based on Philippine customs, it is again that season when political aspirants contest against one another for national, regional, or local governance. It is the time when various political parties, spearheaded by their own “presidentiable”, parade their respective ideas, visions, and platforms in the hope of reform and development.

I'm not yet a registered nor a qualified voter but I believe in what my dad said at the dinner table this lunch: This is a national concern. That means every breathing Filipino who is within Philippine shorelines, as well as those who are not, should put this matter on at least a fraction of their minds. Especially now when the memory cards of the PCOS machines were found to be defected and are needed to be replaced or reprogrammed in a matter of days.
By now, I should already be familiar with how the system of elections works, because in two to three years from now, I will be part of the age group that is responsible for the future supremacy in our nation. So it is of great importance that the youth look past those catchy slogans and blinding colors, and start to look more into their agendas and advocacies.
Our national hero once said that the youth holds the future of a nation. And that is true. Being young and free provides us endless possibilities and chances. The decision is just up to us.
I wrote the highlighted part for our AP class this year. It might look as if I hold no conviction about things like this but I truly believe that this country can still be saved. With enough prayers and resolve, I still believe we can.
When It All Falls Apart - The Veronicas

Friday, April 30, 2010

The story needs some mending and a better happy ending.

Inspiration. I used to get that anywhere, from anyone. Even from the most unlikely people-- you know, from mere acquaintances to the people who just happen to catch your attention in the streets. Before, it used to be resonating laughters, straightforward lyrics or just the simple idea of finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that could fuel me instantaneously. It used to be like that. It used to be that easy.

Tick tock. Pretty soon that longer hand will hit twelve and will pronounce the start of May. Men, summer is fast. And I'm not even having that much fun. And they say time flies when you're having fun. Whatever. Well you get the analogy.

Wait. Can this count as a comeback already? HAHA. I hope so.
Fairytale - Sara Bareilles

Thursday, March 18, 2010

She woke me up daily-- don't need no Starbucks.

The number of people devouring their time into whimsical nonsense have marginally been dropping through the passing minutes yet I'm still seated here. Seated still here. Enjoying whatever this whimsical nonsense may bring.

It's weird to finally be blogging again. This is not even a well-planned (yes, i actually PLAN what to post) entry. Because besides feeling jolly jolly good about the happenings of this month, I actually have nothing else to say anymore.

My lazy bones are making its reappearance again. So far, I have only given out seven letters among the forty-five. And I still have this one long, long letter to write. I hope I can finish all of these in time. And SRA, of course. Thou shalt not forget SRA.

Out of boredom and curiosity, I managed to type the keywords "justin bieber baby" into the Youtube search engine. Don't give me that look. Apart from the "aha aha aha", that's the most definite song stucked in my head that it actually had me interested.

The video is done loading. Mainstream music are almost similar nowadays. Kesha. Justin Bieber. Blah blah blah. Baby baby baby. What difference does it makes if you keep on repeating the words?

Random thoughts badgering me.
"You don't need anyone to make you happy.
Happiness is a choice." - Charm

Baby - Justin Bieber feat. Ludacris

Sunday, March 07, 2010

When everything feels like the movies

I'm still unfinished with the special feature that you requested. So for now, I only have two words:

You're one of the few people who's really dear to me so it just kills me every time I see you cry. I know you're having a hard time finding the silver lining of the situation and I know you're tired with all those people dictating your decisions. But I also know that you can and you will outstrip this struggle. How can I say so? Because for one, you taught me how to.

And well, if all else fails, I am always here. It sounds too overrated but you can hold onto that.
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Flashback to when we said forever and always.

I am procrastinating again.

My schedule has began to become false as soon as our analog clock pronounced the start of the afternoon. According to the functional fraction of my head, I should be or I must be working on the chapter five of our thesis. But with cough spells prodding through my lungs every now and then, I think I might have to procrastinate a little bit more.

As if wanting to start my awesomely average day, I heard Hate That I Love You on the radio today. Long before You Belong With Me and You Make It Real, this is the one song that can freeze my entire consciousness without even trying. The one song that can take me back to sophomore year.

February 8 and 15 of 2008
(Jess, Jerald, Cla, Krizzia, Bea, Pre, Jannah)
(Herbert, Borj, Aries, Glean)

Oh yes. The mischief, the food, the laughter, the stories, the getaways-- the list is endless. Days spent with them are never dull and ordinary. I just wish I could do it all over again.
Forever and Always - Taylor Swift

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Once we hit the top there's no stopping us.

This photo was taken in the middle of our Voltage-Current-Resistance lecture earlier today.
Unless it concerns something fascinating, or unless Sir Jonatz discusses it in layman's term, I honestly never absorb anything about Physics.
No Stopping Us - Jason Mraz

Monday, February 15, 2010

Nothing to get hung about.

Call me mundane or exaggerated, but I will miss really that thing. I know I'm already sounding stupid just by making its loss as a topic for today's entry, but I don't care. If I still have it right now, I would probably be checking it every minute or so to keep myself posted. If I still have it right now, I could have transferred that picture that Dixie and Paulene claim to be seductive. If I still have it right now, or maybe during my not-feeling-so-good moments, I would be re-reading the personal messages that a few selected people sent on New Year's Eve. If I still have it right now, I would still have a record of Licelle's confessions.

No more two in the morning wake-up calls. No more entertaining calls and flood messages from Angela. No more calendar notes.

I'm back from where I started and I'm probably better off without it. Until so long,

Strawberry Fields Forever - The Beatles

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Open up the window, let in the light dearie.

I've never been a big ball of cheese. I've been a witness to many relationships that have crashed and burned in a matter of months. I've seen many ladies and gents wait for their turn yet have nothing in return. But you know what, even in a world where everyone turns more cynical by the minute, in a world where almost everyone has his own hue of bitterness, I still in believe in love. And I always will. After all, love is the Earth's second sun.

Dig a Little Deeper - The Princess and the Frog

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Love is the answer. At least for most of the questions in my heart .

Just to break the norm, I will actually say something good today- in spite of the numerous homeworks that are still left neglected and unfinished. I just have this sense, this voice inside my head that needs to be heard and heeded. I've kept myself mum for like, weeks now and I, for one, know that's unhealthy. So I'm gonna say it now, and I'm only gonna say it once.

To the persons that matter:
I'm sorry if I haven't been myself lately. I think you guys already know why even without me telling. I don't know how you do that. It's like... magic. And that's the probably the best-est thing about you. I don't think there'll be enough words that can measure up to my gratitude of always having you around, so I'm gonna cut this short. Haha.

To her:
Honestly, you made me smile all day long *cheesy* The fact of knowing that there's still someone who will listen brightened up my day. Again, thanks a lot ;)

To the group:
I'm not even a part of your hilarious troop but I still want to mention you here. You never fail to make me laugh and that's something I needed for the past weeks. Always check those smiles, some people rely on that.

To the looming future:
Please don't be too hard on me, okay? I'm just as scared and excited as you are for the endless possibilities that can come for the coming months. Just keep me away from the light and I know everything will be alright. (rhymes)

To you:
Somehow, something always brings me back to you. Always. You must be expecting a lot of words but I actually have none. I don't what's up with us, what problem is , or if there is even a problem to begin with.

And then you called. *kroo kroo* Ika ang mayo.
Better Together - Jack Johnson

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

You built up a world of magic because your real life is tragic.

It's sad when people you know become people you knew.
When you walk right past someone like they were never a big part of your life. How you used to be able to talk for hours and how now, you can barely even look at them.
That's not mine. But I do wish it was because that's all I've been thinking about lately.

On less emotional concerns, the examinations today were far worse than I thought it would be. Now, I can say that I have totally lost my faith in humanity. Hahaha.

A tiny voice in my brain keeps on nagging that I shouldn't study anymore. I haven't had a decent sleep (translation: 8 hours of snoozing and onwards) for like a week now. Goshh. My fate is not being too cooperative this year.

Brick by Boring Brick - Paramore

Monday, January 18, 2010

Swimming through sick lullabies.

The rain is flooding the streets.
I'm in dire need of a tutor in Computer Programming.
Curse you, Visual Basic.
A very common headache is about to commence in where-else.
The prom is definitely not something I'm looking forward to.
It's been ages since my last update.
I am famished.
There are plenty of terms to be memorized for tomorrow's exam.
And yeah, the UPCAT results are out right about now.
I so want for this week to end.
The only thing I'm holding onto now is the NIC.
I hope it's real good.
Mr. Brightside - The Killers

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

I'll never talk again.

And I'm doing it all for you. You guys are the best.

"I’ll never talk again. And I’ll never love again. I’ll never write a song, won’t even sing along..."

Then I'm back to being someone I know I'm not.
Speechless - Lady Gaga

Saturday, January 02, 2010

I guess it's half time and the other half's luck.

My three brothers: Van, Vince and Victor.

As much as I want to boast my wonderful experience in Albay yesterday, I can't. I have a seriously bad headache which has been on since the time we arrived home late last night. I hope my migraine attacks are not back again. They're too much to endure.

Anyway, classes are gonna resume on Monday. Surprise, surprise. Unlike many students of this generation, I actually want to go to school as soon as possible. The boredom here is killing me. And I miss the many people at school. Haha.

Oh, oh, leave me a message here:
It's just so cooool. Make your own world and I'll leave you a message, okay? :))
Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Buble (current LSS)

Friday, January 01, 2010

Pana-panahon ang pagkakataon, maibabalik ba ang kahapon?

I know graduation-related posts are going to flood the World Wide Web pretty soon, so I'm gonna kick off the posting frenzy right now.

So here it goes.

WTH. I'm gonna graduate in three months. That's three months! And there's still a lot of events to watch out for on those three remaining months. There's my birthday, prom, and.. I don't know what else, but who knows what's gonna happen on those three months. (Okay, I'm gonna stop saying three months now.)

I just wished time would slow down. Even for just a bit. Just a little bit. But since the time-space continuum and all that science baloney have not yet been mastered, that idea is still impossible. Actually, what's worrying me now is the university and the course I'm gonna live with through my college years. That's a big decision in my entire existence and I probably should have made that months ago, but I still haven't. Poor me. Hm. Maybe I'll take a day off from my loaded life (o.O) and do my downtown stroll so I can ponder on some matters.

I intended this post to be semi-sentimental but evidently, I failed. Once again, it's all about my favorite topic in the world: myself. NOT. I'm not a narcissist. It just so happens that I have nothing more to rant about.

Well, that's about it. I want to sleep now. And I should, because that's what the rest of the members of our family have been doing for the past two hours. Haha.

Goodbye, beautiful people of Earth of beyond!
Kanlungan - Paolo Santos