Thursday, January 28, 2010

Love is the answer. At least for most of the questions in my heart .

Just to break the norm, I will actually say something good today- in spite of the numerous homeworks that are still left neglected and unfinished. I just have this sense, this voice inside my head that needs to be heard and heeded. I've kept myself mum for like, weeks now and I, for one, know that's unhealthy. So I'm gonna say it now, and I'm only gonna say it once.

To the persons that matter:
I'm sorry if I haven't been myself lately. I think you guys already know why even without me telling. I don't know how you do that. It's like... magic. And that's the probably the best-est thing about you. I don't think there'll be enough words that can measure up to my gratitude of always having you around, so I'm gonna cut this short. Haha.

To her:
Honestly, you made me smile all day long *cheesy* The fact of knowing that there's still someone who will listen brightened up my day. Again, thanks a lot ;)

To the group:
I'm not even a part of your hilarious troop but I still want to mention you here. You never fail to make me laugh and that's something I needed for the past weeks. Always check those smiles, some people rely on that.

To the looming future:
Please don't be too hard on me, okay? I'm just as scared and excited as you are for the endless possibilities that can come for the coming months. Just keep me away from the light and I know everything will be alright. (rhymes)

To you:
Somehow, something always brings me back to you. Always. You must be expecting a lot of words but I actually have none. I don't what's up with us, what problem is , or if there is even a problem to begin with.

And then you called. *kroo kroo* Ika ang mayo.
Better Together - Jack Johnson

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