Friday, August 06, 2010

Hold Me Down

He finally stopped today. Who? My not-so-secret-slash-slightly-stalkerish-admirer did.

I don't know what pushed him to do it, though. He sent me this apologetic message in Facebook earlier today saying that he wasn't aware how his actions were already affecting other people. And that he'll just pretend that we've never met.

I can't even see why he was into me in the first place. For one, I am most certainly not the poised-and-pretty type. I don't go around the campus sashaying with my tresses agreeing with the blow of the wind. I don't boast a face that can launch a thousand ships. I don't attract the ethereal sunbeams so it would highlight my mega-watt smile. Heck, I don't even own a mega-watt smile.

And for another, he barely knows me, and yet he acts as if he knows me cover me cover. I bet the only thing he can answer in my Bio-Data is my nickname. Not the historic (B e n o) but the easily termed one (N i c a).

I'm not trying to be modest here. I'm just telling the truth. And the truth is, revealing this here is making me miss my friends (again) . Not one of them is aware of this. Just me. And now you. And if my friends did know, they would know just what to do.

*Rereads her post* Ha! I can't believe I just said all of that. I appear haughty. Hee hee.

You're the echoes of my everything.
You're the emptiness the whole world sings at night.
You're the laziness of afternoon.
You're the reason why I burst and why I bloom.
You're the leaky sink of sentiment.
You're the failed attempts I never could forget.
You're the metaphors I can't create to comprehend this curse that I call love.
How will I break the news to you?
How will I break the news to you?
- Hold Me Down, Motion City Soundtrack

I can't get that song off my mind. It's too catchy, too sweet, just like...

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