Thursday, August 05, 2010


Woah. Has it really been that long? I was backtracking my silly accounts for the past months, and I must say, I truly missed this. The only reason I was putting this off almost every time is the many distractions I have been, and am still dealing with in this big bad world. There are social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter), academic-related matters, power collapses, boredom and lethargy, socio-emotional issues, and the list goes on and on and on. And even if I do update, most of them are bland and incoherent.

Having said that, I officially now welcome you to *drumrolls* Manicaaaa: Season 4! My style of writing changes for every season but I think I'll stay with what I have now. I would like to discuss more of that but my time is limited today. I have yet to work on my movie analysis for Nat. Sci., laboratory papers for Biology and long tests in Psychology and Phil. History. See? I am a busy person. Hee hee.

But before I run off, I want to greet the best mother in the whole galaxy (so cliche, I know) a advance happy birthday. Happy birthday Mama! Too bad she's not here. She's in Manila accompanying my sister for her medical tests. Maybe I'll surprise her with a phone call at midnight instead. Hm, not a bad idea. But we'll see. So long!

My mother may look very goofy here but I love her just the same. :)

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