Monday, June 07, 2010

Another turning point; a fork stuck in the road.

It took a long while before this piece of reality finally sank in and finally, tonight, everything came clear to me.

This is college life. Gone are the faces I meet and greet each day at school. Gone are the circle of friends who adopted me and whom I've known so well since Day 1 of my freshman year. Gone are the inside jokes, the numerous photo ops, and the long stretches of time spent idling by.

This is college life. Time's not going to slow down, nor will it go back. And although the succeeding days may not be as good as before, I'm not going to mope around like a fool and feel sorry for all my faults that awfully changed my life.

This is college life. I'm going to be headstrong and I will definitely prove all those people who questioned the choices I've made that I have been right all along. I'm going to bring out the utmost version of myself that might even have me surprise.

This is college life. And there's no turning back.
Time Of Your Life - Green Day

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