Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fadin' like the stars we wish to be.

College is starting to grow on me. I guess it was only time that I truly needed. The first week was like hell on Earth, though. And the first day was the worst. But I'm adjusting a little better to the environment, to the people, and to the curriculum now. In fact, a great deal of changes have occurred in me over the past month.

I'm studying more vigorously. Or I'm studying vigorously, more like. Because I can't really bring back a certain instance when I studied as much as I do now. I try to procrastinate less (Old habits die hard, you know) and do a lot of advance reading. On schooldays, you'll only find me either at home, in a classroom or at the library. Since I don't have any social life to speak of (as of the moment) I devour most of my hours among those untidily stacked books. I walk alone. I eat, study, go to my next class, alone. It's not what I'm used to, but I kind of prefer it that way. The funny thing about my department is, we don't have block sections. For every class, I'll have different sets of classmates. So it's a bunch of strangers over and over again. Don't get me wrong, I do have a few of new friends. But still, I remain as discreet as ever. I only talk when someone else starts to converse, and I normally smile just to be polite.

As for the academics, I'm not really complaining. All of the subjects I'm presently taking (History, Algebra, English, etc.) are all quite basic. Well except for Biology, which takes up three hours of my Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. For the last weeks, it has been involving a microscope, a reliable pencil, and substance-20 bond papers. I'm not too fond of the idea but there's nothing else I can do but to comply. And according to my professor, we'll be sketching more often in the coming semesters. And the frog dissection's another thing I have to look forward to.

Still, I can't shy away from the fact that I really, really, really miss my friends. Sometimes, even when I'm feeling fine, I'll get occasional bouts of depression out of nowhere. But as of today, they're getting less. I guess the distance separating us now will not only allow us to chase our own dreams, but will also help grow into the best version of ourselves. And in a way, that makes me proud of them, of us.
Little by Little - Oasis

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