Thursday, October 05, 2006

my mixed-up life

Now Playing: 40 Kinds Of Sadness by Ryan Cabrera

Belated Happy 13th Birthday Lala!(October 3)

Wow, it's been a week since my last post. The past week was so hectic and the coming week is gonna be difficult too. Hoo, I can do this. The talent presentation and pa
geant night was moved next week. Thank God! I just wasn't much ready. A very bad visitor visited the Philippines and left lot of disastrous disasters. It was Milenyo. Last week, I've encountered loads of various things, learned some lessons and had some realizations. A variey of pain, happiness, excitement, sorrow, pity and anger. Good that I still manage to go through it.

Yesterday was the STEP meeting which I, of course, attended. I just want to join an organization and well, since I'm not good in Science or Math (Atomatika), I just joined STEP. It's a club for TLE. So the election of officers for first year came. How come my classmates didn't attended? I only saw the whole class of Antares, the bulilit squad of Procyon, Marc Glenn of Sirius and Cam-cam and I for Bellatrix. My friends make me proud though. Now why? We conquered 6 out of 9 positions. Charm was Vice-President, I was Treasurer, Lala was Audit
or, Cam-cam and Denise was Business Managers (the dyanamic duo) and Jenny was Muse. Hehe. Now I've got something to tease Jenny about. Her partner was Amiko of Procyon.

Last Monday, a history happened. UST vs. ADMU, A do or die game. And UST won! Hehe. Anyone can win, but I like Ateneo even more. Man, Chris Tiu is so cute. But I can't have a crush on him, Cam-cam and Meggie already do.

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