Wednesday, October 18, 2006

mutyas in love..

Now Playing: All Hale songs

Men, I've got a lot to write but I don't know where to start. So, today, one of the most awaited events was held. It was our Talent Competition. The turn out was great. As I expected, I wasn't included in the 3 finalists that could possibly win. Anyways, they were Candidates No. 2(Meggie), 5(Ate Tin) and 10(Ate Janine). On the other hand, No. 3(Felix), 6(Carlo) and 10(Royce). So let me tell you what happened..

I woke up gladly. A lot of hope was shining bright in my face. It's Tuesday, I thought. But still, I tend to sleep. My pillow was as soft as ever and had the most magnificent scent. But I need to get up. So, I got up, took a bath, put my clothes, took my breakfast, brush my teeth and put my shoes and socks. The typical, everyday stuff. I walked to the corner of our street to go to school, of course. As I was looking for a tricycle, I saw Meggie. So I rode the tricycle and we had a little chit-chat. "Alam mo ba kung anong araw ngayon?", she asked. I just replied, "Syempre! Hay, kinakabahan na daw ako!" When I arrived, I've received a couple of goodlucks and compliments. Again, Ma'am Labao wasn't present. Hay, when will she be punctual(peace). I still have to report on AP and my partner was absent. Darn it. So afternoon came. My hand was sweating like crazy and I had I really churning feeling on my stomach. It was stupid. Then it was the time where we have to be introduce to the crowd. Before me was Ate Christine (4th year), which means she have a LOT of fans. And when I went infront all the shouts and cheers stopped. I thought I'll die, die out of shame. My stomach still hurt and I was fretting a lot. I think I'll go mental block. Like all the words and chords I need would go out of my mind. It was crazy. It was a relief I've ended my presentation early cause I can't stand the pressure and anxiety. Afterwards, Ate Christine, Alca and I had a little chit chat. We talked about our crushes, likes and other blah-blahs. Plus, Ate Christine knows my brother! And know she's calling me Victor too. Only the 4th year guys call me that. I have my own name and identity. I just hate it when someone calls me Victor, Victoria or even Page. Ate Tin also shared how this competition helped her to gain more friends. She said that at first, she don't want to join and thinks that her classmates won't support her. Then, when the contest came, she met new friends and her classmates fully supported her. That's also true with me. I had a lot more friends and was closer to other year levels. Below are pics and video of what happened.

Finally, I had a picture of me at our pictorial
That's Christine Joy G. Co, pretty, smart, talented and super bait. What else could you ask for?
With Alca at our "backstage"That's a kissmark (made by me) found on the left side of my laboratory gownMeggie looks a lot like a Lakan..

So, you be the judge, who's more bagay, Meggie and me or..
Ate Christine and Meggie?
That's just me.
With Ate Christine. We're like nurses!
Cam-cam and Jo
Cam-cam and me
Ate Zerlaine, Ate Christine and Meggie.
Tsk,tsk,tsk! Caught in the Act!Now I have an evidence they've been naughty.(They're peeking on who's performing, but we're not allowed)


Royce and Ate Tin. Bagay naman sila diba?

Jo and Gab. Shihee!

"Truly, great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."
(Thanks to Katja :D)

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