Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Chronicle of Life and Death.

This post includes different topics. Topics that have been bugging me lately. By the way, I want to wish Avytte and Mr. Burger Boy[JJ] a happy, happy birthday yesterday.

I hate having pimples. They're like little demons on your faces. They lower your self-esteem and there may even be chances of people to stay away from you. That's why I'm so thankful that these 2 tiny pimples on my right cheek is already gone. With the daily treatment of Panoxyl and a hard-earned patience, they vanished after a few days. But I still have these two tiny ones on the other side! Badtrip. Why are pimples invented anyway?

I'm eternally grateful to Candy for making him this month's cover. Now I can see his adorable face whenever I wish to. But that's not my point. See, I'm already going crazy about him. He's cute, can twist his tongue and dance adorably. Call me crazy, but that's what I feel about him. I just hope this won't lead to something. Desperation maybe?

Grab a copy and make a flood!
And visit this link too for a double flood!
I'll update this when I can. I'll still watch movies. She's the Man or My Bestfriend's Wedding? Arggh. Confusion. XD

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