Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Now Playing: High School Never Ends by Bowling for Soup

It's the second day of our 1 week semestral break. And I'm dying to go back to school! It's so dull here at home. Plus, we still have an assignment on Val Ed, which I clearly don't have a clue of because I left all my books and notebooks at school. And do we still have that exam on MAPEH? What the hell..

I feel so incomplete right now. It's like there's a hole in my heart. And I don't know what caused it. But I have one suspicious reason. My "crushlife." Ok, laugh till you fall from your chair. I know there's no such word but I created it. And you're reading a post of a innocent loveless girl. Anyway, this is not peer pressure. I'm just so curious on how does it feel when you see your crush. Yeah, I have my crushes. They're Christian Estrada Lui-Pio and Jonathan Bennett. But I'm searching for the typical boy-next-door. Sigh. I don't know what I'm writing. Think I'll start my hunt when school resume..

My Celebrity Look-alikes. Want one?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

still on a hangover

Now Playing: Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven

The song I'm listening to is so dramatic! Niña let me download this song. I miss her so much. I haven't talked or seen her for months. I miss Denise and Niña.They're two of my best buds back in my elementary days. I was so shy then... Ok, let's change the topic. Remember the last line in my post yesterday? It was,"I'll take a loooong rest now." And it did happen! I slept around 10:30 pm and woke up at 1:00 pm! It was a really long sleep. My Saturday was really damn boring. I just eat, sleep, watch TV and surf the net. So here are the pictures and videos.

Our entrance..This is a short video.

With Jenny, Lucille, Theresa, Jo and Faye (GLYM) at the backstage
With Aaron and Ate Zerlaine in our Motortrade production number
Introducing myself. Meggie's uber smiling behind me.
The Mutyas 2006. I know we all looked like princesses that night.
With Charm and Ate Tin
Now with Diane, Charm and Ate Tin
With Meggie
With my ever wicked yet supportive sister, Victoria
Thanks Jenny. You've been with me in every part of this competition. ;D

Saturday, October 21, 2006

i can't say i'm a loser..

Now Playing: Ever After by Bonnie Bailey

I'm currently listening to the song that was used in our Motortrade production number. Anyways, today was anticipated Pageant Night. Sure, I didn't won, but I'm fabulously happy. Ate Janine and Royce was hailed as Mutya ng Agham and Lakan ng Matematika respectively. Others were Ate Tin and Raphael as 1st Runner-up and Ate Lalaine and Carlo as 2nd Runner-up. It was really sad for Meggie because she was one of the 5 finalists and she was really close but got wa-poise because of my question. The question was,"If you were stranded in an island with nothing but yourself, what food will make you survive?Why?" Nonetheless, moving on..

I can't consider myself an underdog because I know I did my best. Being chosen as a candidate already made me a winner. Learning timeless lessons, going through priceless experiences and meeting and working with the greatest people of the campus, is the best prize I could ever receive. And it was with this competition that I've become a new and better Veronica. Funny isn't it? When some people, in my situation, would feel upset, lonely and regretful, I, on the other hand, feel happy, great and wonderful.

I'll just post the pictures and videos tomorrow. I'm so tired and sleepy. I'll take a loooong rest now.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

mutyas in love..

Now Playing: All Hale songs

Men, I've got a lot to write but I don't know where to start. So, today, one of the most awaited events was held. It was our Talent Competition. The turn out was great. As I expected, I wasn't included in the 3 finalists that could possibly win. Anyways, they were Candidates No. 2(Meggie), 5(Ate Tin) and 10(Ate Janine). On the other hand, No. 3(Felix), 6(Carlo) and 10(Royce). So let me tell you what happened..

I woke up gladly. A lot of hope was shining bright in my face. It's Tuesday, I thought. But still, I tend to sleep. My pillow was as soft as ever and had the most magnificent scent. But I need to get up. So, I got up, took a bath, put my clothes, took my breakfast, brush my teeth and put my shoes and socks. The typical, everyday stuff. I walked to the corner of our street to go to school, of course. As I was looking for a tricycle, I saw Meggie. So I rode the tricycle and we had a little chit-chat. "Alam mo ba kung anong araw ngayon?", she asked. I just replied, "Syempre! Hay, kinakabahan na daw ako!" When I arrived, I've received a couple of goodlucks and compliments. Again, Ma'am Labao wasn't present. Hay, when will she be punctual(peace). I still have to report on AP and my partner was absent. Darn it. So afternoon came. My hand was sweating like crazy and I had I really churning feeling on my stomach. It was stupid. Then it was the time where we have to be introduce to the crowd. Before me was Ate Christine (4th year), which means she have a LOT of fans. And when I went infront all the shouts and cheers stopped. I thought I'll die, die out of shame. My stomach still hurt and I was fretting a lot. I think I'll go mental block. Like all the words and chords I need would go out of my mind. It was crazy. It was a relief I've ended my presentation early cause I can't stand the pressure and anxiety. Afterwards, Ate Christine, Alca and I had a little chit chat. We talked about our crushes, likes and other blah-blahs. Plus, Ate Christine knows my brother! And know she's calling me Victor too. Only the 4th year guys call me that. I have my own name and identity. I just hate it when someone calls me Victor, Victoria or even Page. Ate Tin also shared how this competition helped her to gain more friends. She said that at first, she don't want to join and thinks that her classmates won't support her. Then, when the contest came, she met new friends and her classmates fully supported her. That's also true with me. I had a lot more friends and was closer to other year levels. Below are pics and video of what happened.

Finally, I had a picture of me at our pictorial
That's Christine Joy G. Co, pretty, smart, talented and super bait. What else could you ask for?
With Alca at our "backstage"That's a kissmark (made by me) found on the left side of my laboratory gownMeggie looks a lot like a Lakan..

So, you be the judge, who's more bagay, Meggie and me or..
Ate Christine and Meggie?
That's just me.
With Ate Christine. We're like nurses!
Cam-cam and Jo
Cam-cam and me
Ate Zerlaine, Ate Christine and Meggie.
Tsk,tsk,tsk! Caught in the Act!Now I have an evidence they've been naughty.(They're peeking on who's performing, but we're not allowed)


Royce and Ate Tin. Bagay naman sila diba?

Jo and Gab. Shihee!

"Truly, great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."
(Thanks to Katja :D)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

i don't know.. i just don't know..

Now Playing: Chemicals React by Aly&AJ

Waha! The talent competition's tomorrow! I feel unfulfilled. Nyaaa! I can't say I'm nervous. Hay, I don't know. Moving on....

I've been lucky today again. I departed our house around 6:57. But, luckily, I didn't get late. So in our first period, MAPEH, we had a test, which I haven't studied yet. So I studied and reviewed the last minute and I end up getting 13 over 15. Yihee! Here's an overview of what's been lingering in my mind right now.

Everything happens for a reason, right? And so will tomorrow. I don't expect myself to win. And that's a very honest statement. I mean, I don't have the passion for such things. It's not even a part of my plans or dreams. I think this is just the stage where I'll try new risky things that could eventually, change my entire life. I know I've practice much. But my only problem is facing a huge crowd. I'll just do the best I can and prove the people that I've got something to prove. It's too complicated, my mind's just to full and messy. I really don't know. I'll just let God be the judge.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Now Playing: I'm Not Missing You by Stacie Orico

We had our practice this morning. It was really HARSH. I mean, the first steps was fine. But the following were confusing. I just ask Ate Christine or Ate Lalaine. They were really friendly. My impressions turn out to be extremely wrong. Admittedly, I'm not good at dancing neither singing. But acting?Probably, never tried it though. Well, except in role plays, that is. And if anyone may visit I'm not playing Stars anymore. Mwahaha. Pinagsawaan ko na yun tsaka napahamak na rin ako dun

Yesterday, was Friday the 13th. But I was never had bad luck. I was really happy and lucky. Funny, right? I'll just tell you some because I can't recall all of it. I went to school early and some of my classmates even teased me about it. Wahaha. And also yesterday, our IQ test results was given. I got 114! And it's above average! Nyehehe. Not that I'm bragging it, but I'm just happy. Nyeks.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

catch me..

Now Playing: Brighter Than Sunsine by Aqualung

Got nothing to post. So I'll just post the video I made so you can know me better. And if it won't work here's the link. And here's another one. I loathe it but I'm proud of it.

And well, here's it's link.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

practice makes perfect

Now Playing: But It's Better If You Do by Panic! At The Disco

I'm super duper frustrated. Our pageant night and talent competition was moved next week again. WTF. Nakakainis na naman kasi eh. I mean, it's like keeping your hopes up but receiving nothing at the end. But well, in that way, I could have more time to practice and be prepared.

Nuff of this nonsense, let's go to some other topic. Ok, last Saturday, we had our practice for that Mutya. It was 8:30 but I thought it was 8:00. Whatever. In going there, I faced extraordinary obstacles. Hehe. Not really, but I think could be considered one. First, I still stopped by the market to see my dad. (My dad's not a worker there, he just bought something) So there was I. Running in the middle of the road clueless where my dad was. A variety of scent was surrounding me. My cologne might have gone off, I thought. Ok, a green, blue and black striped-shirt..There he is! I approached him and he said that he didn't bring money with him, so he went home again. What the hell, I'm gonna be late. While on our way, a father and son was ahead of us. And the little boy was singing "Narda." But he was just about 2 years old! I swear, it was incredible. But disappointing, cause it was the song used in our presentation and in that time, I still had a hoarse, boyish voice. Wahaha, whatever. So I had my money and moving on.. Royce was in the jeep I was riding. That little ..... Mwahaha

Thursday, October 05, 2006

my mixed-up life

Now Playing: 40 Kinds Of Sadness by Ryan Cabrera

Belated Happy 13th Birthday Lala!(October 3)

Wow, it's been a week since my last post. The past week was so hectic and the coming week is gonna be difficult too. Hoo, I can do this. The talent presentation and pa
geant night was moved next week. Thank God! I just wasn't much ready. A very bad visitor visited the Philippines and left lot of disastrous disasters. It was Milenyo. Last week, I've encountered loads of various things, learned some lessons and had some realizations. A variey of pain, happiness, excitement, sorrow, pity and anger. Good that I still manage to go through it.

Yesterday was the STEP meeting which I, of course, attended. I just want to join an organization and well, since I'm not good in Science or Math (Atomatika), I just joined STEP. It's a club for TLE. So the election of officers for first year came. How come my classmates didn't attended? I only saw the whole class of Antares, the bulilit squad of Procyon, Marc Glenn of Sirius and Cam-cam and I for Bellatrix. My friends make me proud though. Now why? We conquered 6 out of 9 positions. Charm was Vice-President, I was Treasurer, Lala was Audit
or, Cam-cam and Denise was Business Managers (the dyanamic duo) and Jenny was Muse. Hehe. Now I've got something to tease Jenny about. Her partner was Amiko of Procyon.

Last Monday, a history happened. UST vs. ADMU, A do or die game. And UST won! Hehe. Anyone can win, but I like Ateneo even more. Man, Chris Tiu is so cute. But I can't have a crush on him, Cam-cam and Meggie already do.