Tuesday, September 19, 2006

nervous breakdown

Now Playing: Superhero by Rocksteddy

I miss blogging. Ok, it's not even a week but it's just through this blog that I can express my feelings, thoughts and breakdowns. And as a comeback, I have a new layout, which is inclined with music again. So, right now I feel a lot of PITY and ANXIETY.

I feel pity for celebrities. You may find it really funny and useless, since celebs seems to have it all, but it's quite true. Just a few minutes ago, I searched popular names like Ellen Adarna, Sabrina Anupol and Jonathan Bennet in Friendster. And as expected, a bunch of results came out. I know there would be fakers but I just want to view some pics and infos. Hehe. So, after a few moments I saw tons of impostors and I really don't whom I should believe. A lot of people pretended they were Ellen Adarna. There were actually 88 profiles. I can't blame them. I mean she's annoyingly pretty or in a good way, drop-dead gorgeous.

And of course anxiety for my upcoming contest. Huhuhu.

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