Tuesday, September 12, 2006

caught on cam

Now Playing: Blue Sky by Hale

Wow! I'm sooo tired. Tired of eveything. All I could wish to do is eat my fave foods or surf the net or just close my eyes, relax and sleep. I just hope there could be something I can be busy about. You know, next year, I really promise myself that I'll join the DLMO or CAT. But I most prefer the lyre. Seeing them practice a lot, being excuse from classes, putting so much effort to win and having a knack of fun make me want to one of them. But honestly, sometimes, the majorettes are not really that gorgeous and the pretty ones oftenly goes to the CAT. Same goes for good-looking priests. That's weird. Anyway, I just don't have anything to write here. We just don't have assignments, that's all. Since I've got nothing to write, I think I'll just post some pics.

At school, you'll usually find people studying for the latest test OR..

playing badminton OR...

playing any board game, especially chess OR

just chatting with our peers. But still some make their own moments and I actually caught them on cam. Just like...
Alrdin and Danica OR

Ian and Jannah OR

Jo and Jed AND

Karen and Renille. But what I don't understand is why some people are just so camera-shy. Just like..



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