Sunday, November 01, 2009

Hey, you know this could be something.

If there is one thing I'd love to finish right now, it will be our Physics PowerPoint presentation. According to the properties of this .ppt file, it was created on Saturday, September 26, 2009, at 2:57:15 PM which means that I have been putting this off for more than a month now (36 days to be exact). The fact that we're the last group is slowly becoming a bad thing. If this was like any other PowerPoint presentation, I would have completed it in a jiffy. But nooo, it's not like any other PowerPoint presentations because it concerns combustion and nanoparticles and iron oxides and all those scientific terms that I can't force to permeate through my hard skull.

Physics is hard. Converting iron oxide back into usable fuel is harder. But making a substantial PowerPoint presentation about it has to be the hardest of all. X(

As promised, here's my list:

The 5 websites I constantly visit
  1. To Do: The tagline speaks for itself: "Post-it notes left to their fate in public places"
  2. Graphic Everywhere: This site holds anything from the odd to the awesome.
  3. I heard it at the movies: Being an absolute movie junkie, this is where I get my dose of funny, cheesy and stirring and movie quotations.
  4. Kiss the stars with me: Incredible, incredible photography
  5. freckles in the sky: I really look up to her powerful nationalism. And she's a good writer.
Your vote, your ONE vote, won’t count. However, if you read up, engage in intelligent political conversations, blog, Tweet, use your Facebook status and convince other people to register and collectively support a candidate, then you can make a difference. If everyone gives importance to their vote, then you have 9 million informed decisions pushing for reform. The youth (defined in the Constutition as 15-30 years old, RA 8044) is 50-60% of the voting populace. Because we have the privilege of being literate and educated, our votes should trump the uninformed, those being blinded by all the uh, colors. Voting isn’t just a right, it’s a responsibility.
Two Is Better Than One - Boys Like Girls feat. Taylor Swift

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