Saturday, November 21, 2009

And the reason is you.

So this is what it's like.

You disregard the mathematical equations in front of you on purpose so you can draw a girl. A sad girl holding a cheerless, fixed stare, clasping a closed umbrella, and enduring the heavy downpour. Even before you finish, you realize that the illustration somehow depicts reality, and that it is pure emo-ness. You decide to discontinue but after a minute, decided against it. Your seatmate sees what you are doing and then sneers at your sketch. So you finally stop, tuck the drawing away, and arch your head towards the armrest until your blood gushes to your brain causing you an immediate headache.

You excuse yourself out of the class to consult the canteen because teeming acid channels through your digestive system again. You reach the place of solace but see no delightful Sky Flakes. Crushed, you make your way to your classroom and let a tiny sigh escape from your lips. You convince yourself that you deserve this misery so you sulk in your seat for the rest of the period as a loud protest start in your belly.

You persuade a good friend to buy your favorite Hot Fudge Sundae after class, thinking that it will condensate your depression. Once there, you see the droplets of water from the inside and stare as it plunges to the crowded road. You have always loved the rain but today it seems to be indifferent to you.

The same good friend tries to cheer you up by doing some tricks on your white balloon. You try to fake a laugh but good friend notices that you're faking it anyway. Good friend tells you that you cannot appreciate the effort and walks away from you. Good friend returns to your side and laughs again. You laugh out of modesty and you wonder how good friend manages to be happy despite the many adversaries in life.

You play your music player on shuffle but you skip every upbeat song and instead opt for slow tunes that you hate listening to on ordinary days. But then you realize that 97% of the songs in your play list are happy tunes so you turn the speaker off, and bask in the silence resonating through out your whole household.

So this is what it's like.

Reason - Hoobastank

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