Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Love Will Keep Us Alive.

A word when rebundant becomes just another cliche. Eventually, it losses its meaning, it losses its essence. No matter how never-surging it is at first, after some time, it gets old, it gets sour. Because of overuse, it becomes too deafening until we hear no more ---- until we feel no more.

In life, there are things that are better left unsaid. Because words, when impetuously spoken, are impossible to take back. Even a promise itself is made 'meant to be broken' . . . and hearts, once shattered, are difficult to mend.

Love is one of the most hackeneyed words. But still, the mere utterance of it changes everything. Because it darts through the very core of our being. No explantaions required. It brings a vast array of emotions . . . fear, ache, mirth. Truly, it is what makes the world go round.

Truth be told, we hurt because we love. And in spite the pain, we choose to linger without inhibitions, even if it's unrequited. We endure because we care.

Love, if it stays, is real; if it doesn't, if it can't, then it's not. But there are, indeed, inevitable factors that make simple things complicated. There comes a point in a person existence when he will have to resist the urge of feeling such a great emotion no matter how powerless he is to do so because he has to. And though, achingly, there is a choice, there seems to be none.

It is a sacrifice, but if it's genuine, it won't ever cease. It is unconditional.

The world is in love . . . that is why people are still struggling to fight the unthinkable. Call it crazy, but we'll keep on loving.♥

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!