Friday, October 19, 2007

Buried Myself Alive.

i am so exhausted.

so damn exhausted, to be exact. that's why i feel so relieved that the exams are all done and sem break is fast approaching. academically, the only headache that left me is the revisal of chapter one and again, that stupid stuff toy virus which clearly have no clue of.

outside, these may be the only things that pains me. but deep down inside, i'm dying, decaying, falling apart, withering, sinking or whatever you may call it.

i don't really know why. its just not self-explanatory. i'm so jaded of what's been happening. I'M SO F*CKING TIRED! ayoko na! gusto kong umiyak pero wala namang akong maiiyakan. wala naman makakaintindi sa akin. hai. bahala na si batman.

"i'm damaged inside, still i act cool . . . i need a protection from this cruel world, away from the pain and all the fools. i need a hero cause i'm afraid, hear me out i'm calling . . . are you there?" - from my sister, victoria's multiply

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