Monday, November 20, 2006

what's happening to me?

Now Playing: Love Isn't by Same Same

In a short period of time, I've undergo some changes. Changes that made me better and me wonder.

1. I'm more dedicated to my studies, which is so not me.
2. I'm not easily tempted by the soothing feeling brought by the TV.
3. I had a new hairstyle.
4. Which resulted to a louder voice? It's what my friends say. But I don't notice it myself.
5. I'm stressing myself by sleeping late almost everyday.
6. I've strenghten my faith in God (that's the best part).
7. I'm more evil. Mwahahahahaha.
8. I had more expressions. (Ay buhay, I hate you)

That's not all. I just forgot some. Haaay. I'll go now. I'll catch a Sunday mass with my family (see?). Bye!


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