Saturday, November 11, 2006

after a looooong time..

Now Playing: Bent Down by Hale

Finally, after a decade, I've posted here again. I really miss this blog. It's been... 11 days! Hahaha. At least it's more than a week.

The main reason why I haven't been updating my blog, is my hectic schedule at school. Sure, my Mutya days are over, but another catastrophe came. This week was our exam. If not for that stupid Milenyo, we would be having our exam on the month October, days before the semestral break. But because of Milenyo our school didn't have electricity for a week, so the talent presentation was cancelled. It was moved, then cancelled again. I really hate it. Anyways, back to our exam week. And so. We had a lot of projects and homeworks with the same deadlines! Talk about pressure! Plus, it was given a week before the exam! Instead of using that time for studying, we were busy looking for examples of simple machines and researching the parts of a book and a newspaper. But today, all of that pressure, that sleepless nights, was finally over. And we're starting a new quarter. How about another sem break?

So let me tell you about our exam.

Values Education: Ahhh. This one's not really hard. It's even probably the easiest. Hahaha. I didn't even study, because I lost my Val Ed notebook. And it's still on the loose till now. The test had options or choices so it was easy to choose the answer.

Science and Technology: Well, unexpectedly the test was fine. Our summative test was even way harder. Though I forgot some of the details, I just choose the nearest answer. I hope I pass this one.

TLE: The exam was just about HTML and Internet blah-blahs. Since I've got some experience or knowledge about it, it was a bit easy. I just got confused between "img src" and "img href" . What's the difference anyway?

Filipino: It was quite fine. But if I'll fail, I'll gladly accept it because I didn't reviewed that much. Ermm.. Though the Ibong Adarna part was ity bitsy easy.

Math: The hardest of them all. Hahaha. We checked the papers right away and I already have my score. But there was this number I really regret. It was just one point but it mean a lot to me. Hahaha. At first my answer was 19x-5. But then I recheck it, and decided that it's suppose to be 19x+5. But I forgot to change it. Huhuhuhu. :(

Araling Panlipunan:

But overall, our exam was cruel, harsh, hard, difficult, disastrous, wicked and merciless!

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