Friday, November 27, 2009

The best thing is that it's happening to you and me.

I'm happy.

For the first time in a long time, that's a statement affixed with a tone a certainty.
I am happy.
This time I know I'm sure.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

And the reason is you.

So this is what it's like.

You disregard the mathematical equations in front of you on purpose so you can draw a girl. A sad girl holding a cheerless, fixed stare, clasping a closed umbrella, and enduring the heavy downpour. Even before you finish, you realize that the illustration somehow depicts reality, and that it is pure emo-ness. You decide to discontinue but after a minute, decided against it. Your seatmate sees what you are doing and then sneers at your sketch. So you finally stop, tuck the drawing away, and arch your head towards the armrest until your blood gushes to your brain causing you an immediate headache.

You excuse yourself out of the class to consult the canteen because teeming acid channels through your digestive system again. You reach the place of solace but see no delightful Sky Flakes. Crushed, you make your way to your classroom and let a tiny sigh escape from your lips. You convince yourself that you deserve this misery so you sulk in your seat for the rest of the period as a loud protest start in your belly.

You persuade a good friend to buy your favorite Hot Fudge Sundae after class, thinking that it will condensate your depression. Once there, you see the droplets of water from the inside and stare as it plunges to the crowded road. You have always loved the rain but today it seems to be indifferent to you.

The same good friend tries to cheer you up by doing some tricks on your white balloon. You try to fake a laugh but good friend notices that you're faking it anyway. Good friend tells you that you cannot appreciate the effort and walks away from you. Good friend returns to your side and laughs again. You laugh out of modesty and you wonder how good friend manages to be happy despite the many adversaries in life.

You play your music player on shuffle but you skip every upbeat song and instead opt for slow tunes that you hate listening to on ordinary days. But then you realize that 97% of the songs in your play list are happy tunes so you turn the speaker off, and bask in the silence resonating through out your whole household.

So this is what it's like.

Reason - Hoobastank

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Video Phone.

Lady Gaga looks so weird when she's normal. I'm just saying.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I never lived the dreams of the prom kings and the drama queens.

Unlike my more fairly talented batchmates, I've been cemented in this piegonhole for the last 24 hours. I have lazed around our house and have manifested the symptoms of Saturday Syndrome: eating excessively, sleeping excessively, channel surfing excessively, and Text Twist-ing excessively.

To make your time worthwhile, I present to you a bland biography of yours truly. I have no idea where this idea came from. Possibly because I'm the ugliest narcissist in the face of the Earth.

Full Name: Veronica Page del Castillo Chavez
Nickname: Nica/Beno/Page/Niks
Birthday: February 24, 1994
Favorite Music: As of the moment: Beyonce, Colbie Caillat, Fall Out Boy, Goo Goo Dolls, Jack Johnson, James Morrison, Jason Mraz, John Legend, John Mayer, Justin Timberlake, Lady Gaga, Lifehouse, Maroon 5, Oasis, Paolo Santos, Paramore, Panic At The Disco, Pussycat Dolls, Relient K, Sandwich, Sara Bareilles, Smashing Pumpkins, Snow Patrol, Sugarfree, The Academy Is, The Beatles, The Cure, The Script, The Veronicas, Urbandub
Favorite numbers: 7, 11, 16, 23, 24
Favorite colors: blue, yellow, black, white
Favorite days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Favorite months: February, April, December
Favorite food: Pasta, Pizza, Cheeseburgers, Anything that my dad cooks :)
Favorite fruits: Apple, Banana, Green Mango, Strawberry
Favorite vegetables: The green and leafy ones
Favorite sweets: Practically everything. From crinkles to Sansrival to sundaes to frozen yogurts and ice creams to cakes to merchandised chocolate bars-- I love them all.
Favorite shows: Chowder, Phineas and Ferb, Wizards of Waverly Place, TMZ (HAHAHA:D) Frankly, I don't watch the TV that much.
Loves: Good books that doesn't require the dictionary, Good food that I can afford, Good company who knows my brand of humor, Good movies with original plots, Good music with brilliant lyrics, Good weather-- preferably cloudy, Good scents that agree with my sensitive nose, Good events that I can replay to a hundredfold
Hates: Waking up early, Philippine Politics, FROGS, Failing, Memorizing foreign names and languages, Asian teleseryes, Liars, Conformity, Getting sick, Decision-making
Only my closest friends know that: I am always late at meetings scheduled on weekends.
If I had superpowers, it would be: Apparition. No more latecomings!
I admire girls who: can get ready in less than three minutes.
I respect guys who: know how to take rejection like a mature gentleman.
I cannot fall for someone who: loves me more than hisself.
Words I live by: Live for the moment and the moment will live forever :)

40 days 'till the ha-happiest days of all!

No Such Thing - John Mayer

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lock and load. Baby, let's go!

"The reason Edward can’t read Bella’s mind is because she doesn’t have one."
-Reason #65 of Why I Hate Twilight

Yes, I am aware that my hatred for Twilight is slightly becoming overrated. But that statement is too good to be just kept to myself. I can't help it. It's one of the few things that has given me great amusement last week.

Diamond Shotgun - Chicosci

Eyes are stickin' like honey on bees.

My heart almost literally skipped a beat when I saw this. I've never been a fan of movie adaptations because it discard the essential bits, but I'm surely gonna watch out for this one.

This book is a favorite because:
  1. It accurately encapsulates the pure definition of love.
  2. It also has none of those fabricated scenes that are so impossible to happen.
  3. I love how Savannah and John associate the full moon with their togetherness.
  4. It doesn't have the stereotypical happy ending. SPOILER.
  5. With Channing Tatum, it's a definite win.
Watch the theatrical trailer here.

Chillin' - Wale ft. Lady Gaga

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

You say you want a revolution, well you know, we all want to change the world.

So, it took me a week and a day to refuel my battered nerve cells. And yet I'm here again with another non-committal post saying that I will be avoiding you and yet I can't. Sighh.

Today is probably going to be the most eventful day of the week. Trust me, it wasn't pretty. Especially if you have seen and heard everything firsthand. We're all under the same dilemma and I think the best action is to do the RIGHT thing.

Well, I'll be off. I still have some duty I need to fulfill.

**You give me something that makes me scared, alright.This could be nothing, but I'm willing to give it a try. Please give me something 'cause someday I might know my heart. <33

Revolution - The Beatles

Monday, November 02, 2009

It's so cliché to tell you that everyday I spend with you is the new best day of my life.

The 5 Relient K songs I adoooorrre:
  1. Must Have Done Something Right: If anyone can make me a better person you could/ All I got to say is I must have done something good /I came along one day and you rearranged my life / All I got to say is I must have done something right
  2. The Best Thing: I always knew I'd find someone/ I never dreamt it'd be like this/ Cause you've surpassed/ All that I'd hoped for and ever wished/ And I'm trying so hard/ With all my heart and mind/ To make your life as good as you've made mine
  3. Be My Escape: And I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity/ And I’ve been locked inside that house/ All the while you hold the key/ And I’ve been dying to get out/ And that might be the death of me/ And even though there’s no way of knowing where to go/ I promise I’m going
  4. Who I Am Hates Who I Have Been: I heard the reverberating footsteps/ Synching up to the beating of my heart/ And I was positive that unless I got myself together/ I would watch me fall apart

  5. And my ultimate favorite:
  6. Up and Up: I'm on the up and up/ Yeah there's nothing left to prove/ Cause I'm just trying to be/ A better version of me for you/ A better version of me/ For you

I will be limiting my Internet use this week. I've been enslaving myself to this radiated monitor 4 hours a day for 4 consecutive days. Well, that's just not me.

Must Have Done Something Right - Relient K

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Hey, you know this could be something.

If there is one thing I'd love to finish right now, it will be our Physics PowerPoint presentation. According to the properties of this .ppt file, it was created on Saturday, September 26, 2009, at 2:57:15 PM which means that I have been putting this off for more than a month now (36 days to be exact). The fact that we're the last group is slowly becoming a bad thing. If this was like any other PowerPoint presentation, I would have completed it in a jiffy. But nooo, it's not like any other PowerPoint presentations because it concerns combustion and nanoparticles and iron oxides and all those scientific terms that I can't force to permeate through my hard skull.

Physics is hard. Converting iron oxide back into usable fuel is harder. But making a substantial PowerPoint presentation about it has to be the hardest of all. X(

As promised, here's my list:

The 5 websites I constantly visit
  1. To Do: The tagline speaks for itself: "Post-it notes left to their fate in public places"
  2. Graphic Everywhere: This site holds anything from the odd to the awesome.
  3. I heard it at the movies: Being an absolute movie junkie, this is where I get my dose of funny, cheesy and stirring and movie quotations.
  4. Kiss the stars with me: Incredible, incredible photography
  5. freckles in the sky: I really look up to her powerful nationalism. And she's a good writer.
Your vote, your ONE vote, won’t count. However, if you read up, engage in intelligent political conversations, blog, Tweet, use your Facebook status and convince other people to register and collectively support a candidate, then you can make a difference. If everyone gives importance to their vote, then you have 9 million informed decisions pushing for reform. The youth (defined in the Constutition as 15-30 years old, RA 8044) is 50-60% of the voting populace. Because we have the privilege of being literate and educated, our votes should trump the uninformed, those being blinded by all the uh, colors. Voting isn’t just a right, it’s a responsibility.
Two Is Better Than One - Boys Like Girls feat. Taylor Swift