Wednesday, November 07, 2007

You Know I'm No Good.

Ayan, nagkabukingan na ang lahat. Charm and Meggie know, the whole 1.2.3.BOOM! gang knows and a few people on my batch has heard something about someone too. My karma, I guess. Bahala sila, di naman kasi totoo.

For the past few days, I've been hearing a lot of conceit and pride. Especially from the male populace. It really irritated me when I knew about these things. Walang hiya. Sino ba sila sa inaakala nila? They're just mere Homo sapiens that come and go on every girl's life. I even made that my status message on YM today. 'awoo! katurn-off ang mga MAYAYABANG ai! beh! mtamaan ka sna. >:P' --- that's my status. And well, maraming natamaan. Haha. Guilty? I rather not speak who that guy, I mean who those guys are. Kawawa naman sila, ibulgar ko pa dito ang kayabangan nila.

I don't have a topic for today. I feel lazy to narrate who those guys are. Interesting pa naman sana. Hmmm. Nothing actually happened. Only a lot more lies unraveled. Its like the truth's really hard to find these days. No one's sincere and honest anymore. Well, bahala na sila doon sa part na yun. Its their choice.

You, are you truthful?

Spare me. You know I'm no good. ♥

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