Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lunacy Fringe.

Most of the sophomores are all going frantic and crazy for the event on Saturday: the distribution of cards. Just imagine this, 78 students are under probation on our year. Damn, that includes half the population of our batch. And that can include ME. Jaw-dropping, eye-boggling, heartbeat rushing, anxiety prone are the best adjectives to describe it. My friends and I [Lala, Jerald, Micah, Cam2, Charm and I] were so worried that we even made mushy farewells and foretell what lies ahead for us.

I really want to brag my hinanakit-s but I'm too stupid to write it. I can't think straight. Sigh, when will this end? I've been feeling ill all week. So ill, that I attempted to eat the flesh of Bea.

And oh, if my parents look for me on Saturday, just tell them that I'm in a good condition, I've taken my vitamins, I have enough money by my side and I'm just at Krizzia's house revising our research. Haha. Our maybe you shouldn't.

Consistency and expectations are two of the worst, if not the worst cancers. They can eat you up without you even knowing it, when you least expect it. Sometimes, you may even think, probably its better to not excel that much. Because when you stumble, people tend to get berserk and dismayed with hideous reactions to match. But in defiance of that matter, that's still how mankind lives. The trend is, we focus more on an individual weakness, rather than its strength and expertise. Perhaps because, that's what our culture offers us. And up to now, no one still bothers to change it.

"I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines. We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way." How I hope I can just sing this to my parents. Wish me luck on Saturday. ='c

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