Monday, November 12, 2007

He Wasn't.

hindi ako makasulat ng maigi, nasa likod ko kasi si papa. ang dami ko pa naman sanang gustong linawin. walang freedom of speech tuloy. mamaya na nga lang.

now playing: iris by paolo santos

now that i'm all alone in this cold misty night, i guess i can already say what i suppose to say hours ago. this post is actually meant to clear out all untangled prophecies that involves my name. the good, the bad and the likes. for the past few months, a lot of people have been coming to me with silly misconceptions. yung iba nakakainis, ang iba malalaglag ka sa upuan sa katatawa at habang ang iba'y hindi ka papatulugin sa kakaisip. so seat back, relax, and enjoy this juicy disclosures. just remember, this post is not intended to neither offend nor embarass anybody. i'll give easy hints on the way, para walang ma-LG. bato bato sa langit, ang tamaan huwag magagalit. ;)

he was the subject and focus of most of my entries last semestral break. i've given him different codenames which got some people intrigued. so now, see clearly, 'cause i think whoever is reading this do have the right to know. ABCDEGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. ano ang kulang? just a little analysis and you'll get it right. as of now, i don't like him and i'm not psyched when he appers online on my list. i just don't know what've gotten into me to notice him so badly. hindi ko lang talaga alam. all i know is that i don't like him anymore and he loves you so dearly, charm. [err, another clue there. gets niyo na ba?]

to the creatures who visit my profile on friendster more often than this blog can misconceive something. he's not my crush or my boyfriend, okay? and i've done nothing to hurt his feeling either. how awful can it be to hear that your crush's picture has a fee? okay, it's awful, but that IS reality. it's not me, it's you. haha. in my opinion, he started all of it. the hearsays, the ilangan, the misunderstandings and all. he said he don't want people with too much pride. hark who's talking. but i'm always open for knee-bent beggings or simple yet sincere apologies. [haha! ang kapal.]

oh well, that's me! i'm back to my good 'ol days. tsaka, patama pala yan sa pamilya ko. pano kasi, they don't believe that i don't have a suitor or a boyfriend. haha. there's no rush for that matter. besides, i'm just 13. i'm still young. and i think it would be best for me to enjoy thy single-hood.

and before i forgot, HAPPY MONTHSARY SA 1.2.3.BOOM! I love you guys!

a lot more stronger,


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