Thursday, January 28, 2010

Love is the answer. At least for most of the questions in my heart .

Just to break the norm, I will actually say something good today- in spite of the numerous homeworks that are still left neglected and unfinished. I just have this sense, this voice inside my head that needs to be heard and heeded. I've kept myself mum for like, weeks now and I, for one, know that's unhealthy. So I'm gonna say it now, and I'm only gonna say it once.

To the persons that matter:
I'm sorry if I haven't been myself lately. I think you guys already know why even without me telling. I don't know how you do that. It's like... magic. And that's the probably the best-est thing about you. I don't think there'll be enough words that can measure up to my gratitude of always having you around, so I'm gonna cut this short. Haha.

To her:
Honestly, you made me smile all day long *cheesy* The fact of knowing that there's still someone who will listen brightened up my day. Again, thanks a lot ;)

To the group:
I'm not even a part of your hilarious troop but I still want to mention you here. You never fail to make me laugh and that's something I needed for the past weeks. Always check those smiles, some people rely on that.

To the looming future:
Please don't be too hard on me, okay? I'm just as scared and excited as you are for the endless possibilities that can come for the coming months. Just keep me away from the light and I know everything will be alright. (rhymes)

To you:
Somehow, something always brings me back to you. Always. You must be expecting a lot of words but I actually have none. I don't what's up with us, what problem is , or if there is even a problem to begin with.

And then you called. *kroo kroo* Ika ang mayo.
Better Together - Jack Johnson

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

You built up a world of magic because your real life is tragic.

It's sad when people you know become people you knew.
When you walk right past someone like they were never a big part of your life. How you used to be able to talk for hours and how now, you can barely even look at them.
That's not mine. But I do wish it was because that's all I've been thinking about lately.

On less emotional concerns, the examinations today were far worse than I thought it would be. Now, I can say that I have totally lost my faith in humanity. Hahaha.

A tiny voice in my brain keeps on nagging that I shouldn't study anymore. I haven't had a decent sleep (translation: 8 hours of snoozing and onwards) for like a week now. Goshh. My fate is not being too cooperative this year.

Brick by Boring Brick - Paramore

Monday, January 18, 2010

Swimming through sick lullabies.

The rain is flooding the streets.
I'm in dire need of a tutor in Computer Programming.
Curse you, Visual Basic.
A very common headache is about to commence in where-else.
The prom is definitely not something I'm looking forward to.
It's been ages since my last update.
I am famished.
There are plenty of terms to be memorized for tomorrow's exam.
And yeah, the UPCAT results are out right about now.
I so want for this week to end.
The only thing I'm holding onto now is the NIC.
I hope it's real good.
Mr. Brightside - The Killers

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

I'll never talk again.

And I'm doing it all for you. You guys are the best.

"I’ll never talk again. And I’ll never love again. I’ll never write a song, won’t even sing along..."

Then I'm back to being someone I know I'm not.
Speechless - Lady Gaga

Saturday, January 02, 2010

I guess it's half time and the other half's luck.

My three brothers: Van, Vince and Victor.

As much as I want to boast my wonderful experience in Albay yesterday, I can't. I have a seriously bad headache which has been on since the time we arrived home late last night. I hope my migraine attacks are not back again. They're too much to endure.

Anyway, classes are gonna resume on Monday. Surprise, surprise. Unlike many students of this generation, I actually want to go to school as soon as possible. The boredom here is killing me. And I miss the many people at school. Haha.

Oh, oh, leave me a message here:
It's just so cooool. Make your own world and I'll leave you a message, okay? :))
Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Buble (current LSS)

Friday, January 01, 2010

Pana-panahon ang pagkakataon, maibabalik ba ang kahapon?

I know graduation-related posts are going to flood the World Wide Web pretty soon, so I'm gonna kick off the posting frenzy right now.

So here it goes.

WTH. I'm gonna graduate in three months. That's three months! And there's still a lot of events to watch out for on those three remaining months. There's my birthday, prom, and.. I don't know what else, but who knows what's gonna happen on those three months. (Okay, I'm gonna stop saying three months now.)

I just wished time would slow down. Even for just a bit. Just a little bit. But since the time-space continuum and all that science baloney have not yet been mastered, that idea is still impossible. Actually, what's worrying me now is the university and the course I'm gonna live with through my college years. That's a big decision in my entire existence and I probably should have made that months ago, but I still haven't. Poor me. Hm. Maybe I'll take a day off from my loaded life (o.O) and do my downtown stroll so I can ponder on some matters.

I intended this post to be semi-sentimental but evidently, I failed. Once again, it's all about my favorite topic in the world: myself. NOT. I'm not a narcissist. It just so happens that I have nothing more to rant about.

Well, that's about it. I want to sleep now. And I should, because that's what the rest of the members of our family have been doing for the past two hours. Haha.

Goodbye, beautiful people of Earth of beyond!
Kanlungan - Paolo Santos