Friday, December 28, 2007

Is True Love Just Once In A Lifetime?

This Christmas break is getting pretty lame. I'm disgruntled due to the fact of being disconnected with friends[No outgoing calls on our phone, my cellphone is still a hopeless disaster and a very low frequency of online pals], the melancholic nothingness in the mighty refrigerator[My brother must have held a buffet while I'm fast asleep], the treacherous scheme of my three brothers to invade my three lonesome diaries[They've succeeded once, but, my force is strong. When I managed to retrieve it, I hit them hard on their heads[Good thing its hard-bound. Haha. c;]] and the absence of a person that I continuously try to get of my mind[This is someone new, but anatomically the same.].

I better hop off now. I haven't eaten dinner yet. . . and its 11 o'clock in the evening. Hello, hyperacidity! We meet again. Tsk. I'm so bad.

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