Monday, December 17, 2007

He Isn't Really What I'm Looking For.

Hundreds of children yelling, screaming.
Horrified wails that deafen you.
The fear is tangible,
So thick you can’t breathe,
The shame of a thousand souls.
And then, midst the howling,
A faint cry of hope,
A baby that has not yet fallen.
A child that hasn’t been tainted,
And the evil seems to be gone.
Then a cry from the child.
His voice joins the torment.
Screaming. All hope is gone.

When I hear your lovely laugh,
And gaze in your beautiful eyes,
I long to feel the warmth of your touch,
And light your face with a smile.
I make a joke, you laugh, you smile.
My heart is filled with joy.
The color in your velvet cheeks
Paints my heart with love.
But my heart overflows,
As you laugh and laugh.
My heart breaks, and the love
Runs down my cheeks
Into my trembling hands.
And you laugh.

A smile, a wink,
A giggle, a laugh,
Then you glare me down,
Cut my heart in half.
The tears cannot clean
The cut that you made.
The sorrow can't fill
The hole in my soul.
The comfort of friends,
And forgiveness from you.
Once I have that,
I can live again.

Shadows flicker in the sunlight,
Branches flow in the breeze.
The air is cool, the wind, refreshing.
Birds are swooping through the air,
Sounds of laughter echo,
And the insects are constantly buzzing,
Filling the air with a noisy peace.
A calming, enjoyable sound.
Children are playing, clouds are dancing
In an empty blue ballroom of sky.
And all of this is God’s creation,
Who else could inspire such awe?

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