Sunday, August 05, 2007

One for All, All for One.

*This entry is originally written for my English journal. But since I like it, I want to post it here.*

It's a week before exam. We have loads of projects and most them are hard to do. But thanks to my superb classmates, everything is made easy.

Whether by group or individually, we make it together. We'll all go home late or we'll meet at Saturdays and even at Sundays. Afterwars, we'll have a usual quality time at Mcdo, get sill at taking pictures and sometimes, go to Mass.

I guess its only now that I valued much about friendship. During my elementary years, anyone who I'm with everywhere everytime is already my bestfriend. But in highschool that's not always the case. Highschool is like a whirlwind romance. Everythings is uncertain and short-lived. Cause every year, when our section part ways, later on, some are already brainswashed. Para bang walang pinagsamahan. All communication's been cut and when we'll meet each other again, it's like I'm just a complete stranger to her.

But I'm glad that didn't happen in my case. We're there for each other through life's fluctuations. When one is heartbroken or madly in love, there's always a shoulder to lean on [like some crappy friendship poem you'll hear anywhere]. Or in classes, no one is too greedy to their notes.

I'm really grateful they bumped into my life. With them, I'm always in endless laughter, like a never-ending fairytale. So this post is dedicated to the people who's there with me in my sophomore's thick-and-thin moments. Bea, Precious, Jerald, Krizzia, Clarence, Jannah and Jess. I heart you guys. c=

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