Saturday, August 21, 2010

Her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining.

My wits are perturbed for particular academic reasons, and can't come up with an obligatory birthday message. So instead, I'll give a somewhat detailed account of how I spent my Saturday afternoon in the company of a beautiful girl who owns those compelling smiles.

Let's start at a message I received from Kristine earlier this week, wherein she notified me about a mini get-together with a few Gryffindor (funny how I use the name now) people on Saturday. I agreed right away. After the exhausting examinations, a time with the friends I missed is much timely.

Saturday. My neon green alarm clock screams half an hour past one already. I'm late. Quickly, I tossed in a default maroon polo shirt, a pair of tight-fitting jeans and loose powder on my face, and I'm good to go.

I felt every minute weigh in. Because I'm almost an hour late, I have no phone, and because no final plans were made, I may not see them after all. But I kept my spirits up.

I reached the entrance soon enough. And even before my body temperature adjusted to the mall's ventilation, I saw her. Despite my 100/150 vision, I can tell it was her. And apparently, she was alone.

Hurrying to the second floor, my thoughts were on how I would approach her, or what words would seem fit enough to greet a friend you haven't seen for three months. But by the moment I was within her proximity, those thoughts just vanished.

She shunned away from my direction, and for this I wondered. When I saw her up close, I realized it was because she was crying. Not the bawling-her-eyes type. Just a soft sob. Out of happiness, out of relief, I can't tell.

I'd be lying if I tell you that our conversation carried on naturally and continuously, because it didn't. There were the awkward pauses. The instances when we second guess what to say next. And those times, when we just grinned at each other, like fools.

Don't get me wrong, I was more than happy to be with her at that moment. In the end, she was the same person I met a few months back. The same girl from Pili who has a stature that can give Venus Raj a run for her money. The same girl who gave me advices on nights when I felt like cutting my own wrist. The same girl who likes "Slumdog Millionaire" for special reasons, who dreams of living in a house with walls lined with hundreds of books, and who values memories with her family and friends more than anything else in this fickle world of ours.

Right now, I'm staring at the cursor blink furiously, and I'm still thinking how I can give this tale a righteous ending. But maybe, maybe, I'm not the one who should. So to the rest of the things unwritten here, and in her life, I leave it to her. Because with girls like her, girls like Angela, they're the ones who's bound to get that righteous ending at the finale. We just have to wait and see. :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The thoughts in my head in six bullet points:
  • Seriously, are you really that dense?
  • I hate you, and your nonexistent efforts.
  • For the sake of all things holy and sane, let's all skip into the 26th.
  • Sir, can you give me a written exam instead? Pleaaase?
  • Hey you, come home already. I miss you.
Because life is easier when we use lists. And when we tell the truth.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Live High, Live Mighty

Love Is Mandatory (A Playlist)
Colbie Caillat - You Got Me
Jason Mraz - If It Kills Me
The Cure - Friday, I'm In Love
Michael Cera & Ellen Page - Anyone Else But You
The Beatles - I Will
Hey Monday - 6 Months
Lady Antebellum - Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Glee Cast - Sweet Caroline
Katherine McPhee - Terrified
Adele - Make You Feel My Love
Maroon 5 - Sunday Morning (acoustic)
Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down
The Wonders - Doing That Thing You Do
Corinne Bailey Rae - Like A Star
John Legend - Stay With You

My first try to create a mix tape, and it's all about love. Great. I'll be leaving for a while too. It's our Midterms on 17 and 18. And I'm still keeping that aim, which is to secure a 1.5 - 1.75 GPA at the least. Even if I've been doing poorly on Nat Sci and Filipino lately. Well, there's nothing that a few prayers and reviewers can't arrange. So yes, although it will entail plenty of efforts, I swear I'll reach that aim.
CATHY: "AJA!" :) ♥

Friday, August 06, 2010

Hold Me Down

He finally stopped today. Who? My not-so-secret-slash-slightly-stalkerish-admirer did.

I don't know what pushed him to do it, though. He sent me this apologetic message in Facebook earlier today saying that he wasn't aware how his actions were already affecting other people. And that he'll just pretend that we've never met.

I can't even see why he was into me in the first place. For one, I am most certainly not the poised-and-pretty type. I don't go around the campus sashaying with my tresses agreeing with the blow of the wind. I don't boast a face that can launch a thousand ships. I don't attract the ethereal sunbeams so it would highlight my mega-watt smile. Heck, I don't even own a mega-watt smile.

And for another, he barely knows me, and yet he acts as if he knows me cover me cover. I bet the only thing he can answer in my Bio-Data is my nickname. Not the historic (B e n o) but the easily termed one (N i c a).

I'm not trying to be modest here. I'm just telling the truth. And the truth is, revealing this here is making me miss my friends (again) . Not one of them is aware of this. Just me. And now you. And if my friends did know, they would know just what to do.

*Rereads her post* Ha! I can't believe I just said all of that. I appear haughty. Hee hee.

You're the echoes of my everything.
You're the emptiness the whole world sings at night.
You're the laziness of afternoon.
You're the reason why I burst and why I bloom.
You're the leaky sink of sentiment.
You're the failed attempts I never could forget.
You're the metaphors I can't create to comprehend this curse that I call love.
How will I break the news to you?
How will I break the news to you?
- Hold Me Down, Motion City Soundtrack

I can't get that song off my mind. It's too catchy, too sweet, just like...

Thursday, August 05, 2010


Woah. Has it really been that long? I was backtracking my silly accounts for the past months, and I must say, I truly missed this. The only reason I was putting this off almost every time is the many distractions I have been, and am still dealing with in this big bad world. There are social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter), academic-related matters, power collapses, boredom and lethargy, socio-emotional issues, and the list goes on and on and on. And even if I do update, most of them are bland and incoherent.

Having said that, I officially now welcome you to *drumrolls* Manicaaaa: Season 4! My style of writing changes for every season but I think I'll stay with what I have now. I would like to discuss more of that but my time is limited today. I have yet to work on my movie analysis for Nat. Sci., laboratory papers for Biology and long tests in Psychology and Phil. History. See? I am a busy person. Hee hee.

But before I run off, I want to greet the best mother in the whole galaxy (so cliche, I know) a advance happy birthday. Happy birthday Mama! Too bad she's not here. She's in Manila accompanying my sister for her medical tests. Maybe I'll surprise her with a phone call at midnight instead. Hm, not a bad idea. But we'll see. So long!

My mother may look very goofy here but I love her just the same. :)

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Stop and Stare.

I'm not finished yet, obviously. College days have been pretty strenuous lately. Probably you may want to hear how strenuous it has been but I don't feel like going into that right now. I'm all out of words.

Well, see 'ya.