Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This is something that I must to do 'cause I realized that it's about time.

I've convinced myself that I'll verbalize all these sentiments and all these apprehensions on the 21st of this month. It appears rather acerbic since it is after all, a special date to all of us. But I thought, I'd risk it anyway. If they are true friends, they'll understand. But today, I can't hold in or neglect issues that are as real as these anymore.

I type this with a heavy heart and a nagging voice in my head saying that I should not do this. But I want to. I have to.

What happened to us? In the beginning, I thought it was just me and my pretentious little brain who sensed that we are growing distant from each other. But the evidences are there.
I was suppose to post that last Friday but I never got the chance to finish it. Actually, I did have the chance, but I can't muster the right words or the right confidence. Maybe I'm scared or maybe I can't simply accept the fact that we've been in that phase of friendship.

Today, for the first time after a really long time, we had our traditional eat-and-chat. The food was fine with its generous serving of buttered chicken. The chat, however, was one big jolt of information. Maybe for them it's not, but for me, a resident of IV - C, it was all a shock. I still can't move on about some facts.

Even with reference to today's date, I did not greet any of them a happy blahh. I don't know. Earlier this day, I didn't see the sense of it but now, maybe. Just maybe.

A shameless plug:

October 24, 2009, Saturday, 7-12 pm
P 20.00 admission ticket
Dress code: anything black

Dance, Dance, Dance!
P.S. Altogether let's pray for a wonderful weather. Thanks :)

True Friends - Airto

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