Saturday, January 31, 2009

Oh shit.

Now Playing: Until the End of Time by Justin Timberlake

I try to vent my sentiments and anticipations through words. And profanity is not an exemption. Worry not, my dear friend, it's a free country.


The debate. On which the topic will be whether the Philippines needs communism, yes or no. Our teacher will tell us which side we're going to defend on the day of the debate itself so that's going to be pretty hard. And of course, with the my predictable misfortune, I was chosen to be a speaker. A third speaker, to be more accurate. Which means I am one of those who will get caught with the war of words. The other one is Denise. I think that should help, since Denise is good with fights.

The presentation. Surprisingly I'm not that worried with the idea of dancing. Honestly, I don't care so much anymore. What I do worry though, is the group's performance as a whole. We didn't thoroughly practiced all of the steps today and most of us are not good dancers. Hay naku. Whatever.

The training. I think everybody sees me doing this every afternoon. It's not that bad as I thought it's going to be. That counts as a good thing, right?

The dance. Of course, the dance, the prom. No matter how I call it, it's still the same. As the event grows more imminent, the more the people are getting abuzz, which is a natural phenomenon, I understand. Good thing I've already found a beautiful gown. But I think could already be nominated as the next Disney princess because of its style. Nevertheless, its far better than the dress Bella wore at her prom. Hahaha. It's the leggings, you know.

The card. The 3rd Quarter distribution of cards is set on February 14. I think it's still far so I don't fret too much.

The test. We have a unit test on World War I and II on Monday. I'll add this so I won't forget.

The V-day. Speaking of February 14, how will I celebrate my February 14? I'm not looking for something you-know-what. All I really want is a box of crinkles. Or brownies.

The recipes. Deadline: Friday, February 6. We're asked to make a compilation of the recipes we've made the past three quarters, and I haven't even started yet.

The 15th birthday. Of course, my birthday should not be forgotten. Crap. I'm getting old.

The apple of my eye. Last, but definitely not the least. I'm not giving up and I don't mind, I don't care. I don't mind that he's still not over her and I don't care, that in his eyes, she's the prettiest. What I have is something not worth giving up.

It's kinda late but happy birthday.

Ma'am Elisa, it's your birthday.
God bless you this day.
You gave us the gift of a good adviser,
and I'll be good to you today.

Ma'am Elisa, it's your birthday.
Happy birthday, Ma'am Elisa.
I wish you love and goodwill.
I wish you peace and joy.
I wish you better than your heart desires.

Ma'am Elisa, it's your birthday.
Happy birthday, Ma'am Elisa.


P. S. Hindi ako sumisipsip. Ako'y sincere at natural na isang mabuting bata.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Supah Papalicious

Nakakalaglag ng panty. Pati na rin brief. :)

So what's the point in all of this when you will never change?

Now Playing: Between the Lines by Sara Bareilles

What is the point? Of course a point is a dot, a dot on the letter i or at the end of a statement. Crap. That's not what I mean and you're missing the point. But, what is the point?

Earlier this afternoon, with Lianne and Nat, I stormed the bridal stores downtown to look for a gown. Its for the prom, which is less than a month from now. Gowns, masks, flair, romance and all. Frankly, I'm just giddy and nervous about the whole picture. I'm sure it's a night that everyone's looking forward for.

I don't know what else to say. I think next time I'll open up about my imminent birthday, the not-so-recent oath taking of Obama or my haircut that as my classmates say, resembles the hair of our assistant librarian or my batch mate. What the hell. I don't give a damn.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm not dense. I just had a slight lack of common sense.

Now Playing: Geek In The Pink by Jason Mraz

I said I'll keep everything recent posted after the exam, but I didn't. I always do that. And I never understood why.

In fact, there are countless things that I never got to the point of figuring out.

Like how a supposedly stern subject, now verges on melodramatic. Yes, melodramatic. And I'm not overstating that.

Or how something so divine, something so true, is still stuck with her. And her is congruent to. . . I don't know, but definitely not him (and by him, I mean the something divine and true :) ).

Or how the heart presses to see something that the eyes cannot. Oh diba. Anlalim nun ah. You don't need eyes to see. Parang magic.

And for the last two things, and probably the most important: why the hell do my teeth hurt so much? And why do we need to learn the sine and cosine curves? Would it solve the LPG-crisis that is causing everyone to panic today? No, it won't. Of course it won't.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

There's beauty in breakdown.

Now Playing: So Close by Jon Mclaughlin

So far, so good, I thought. It was quite simple, actually. They were once together but now it's over. There's no point in crying over spilled milk, right?

Or am I wrong? Oh well. It is not my business, anyway. Its theirs.

I hope tomorrow's gonna be a breeze, considering its the last day of the exams. And before I end this, I just want to announce that my literary skills (or whatever I thought I had) will make its reappearance soon after the quarterly examination, which is by Saturday, I think.

"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men.
We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

We're slow dancing in a burning room.

Now Playing: My Heroine by Silverstein

And so, as promised, I will now recount the incidents of last night's celebration.

Well, it must have been the Christmas breeze stroking our skins, or the chants and eagerness exuded by the witnesses, that made these two young souls sing their hearts out. It was a sweet and lovely sight, considering that he had croaky voice that night and she was afraid that she'd cry at the sound of his melodic voice.

That was last December. In fact, that was last year. Things are different now. Way more different.

Hello, beautiful people of Earth and beyond. Yes, I am still alive. :)