Friday, April 27, 2007

panandalian lamang

Now Playing: Way Back Into Love by Hugh Grant and Haley Bennett

Yes. I've finally updated this almost rotten blog. Haha. I don't know. I just keep on updating my Multiply and Friendster that I actually am forgetting to update my original home. Hmm.. Or am I just lazy? Hehe, must be.

Oh well, the schools out and summer's in.

And for days I've been so lazy and lonely.

Haii. I've been doing nothing lately. My daily routine is just watch TV, surf the net, eat, sleep, then eat again. I really am bored. I miss school! I miss those who hate and love me, I miss my CA and I miss 1 - Bellatrix. Huhu. I really miss them so bad. I'm so psyched for the 1st day of classes. I can hardly wait.

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