Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Before the icing hits the cake.

Today marks the first day of December, and as the Slytherin blackboard reminds everyone, it's Christmas in twenty-four days. Well, as far as my calendar is concerned, there are only 5 days that I would gladly be looking forward to this month. And here they are:
  1. December 12 - The Mutya at Lakan Pageant Morning. I know it sucks like a leech (boring) but you, in case are rooting for a specific candidate, must accept that fact and arrive early to reserve yourself a seat. Haha. I'm part of the production staff so that's not a problem for me. Gahh. I'm so excited for this.
  2. December 14 - 17 - The Intramurals. We're seniors now so things are wayy more different. We're no longer the underdogs that three batches spite on. But if they want history to repeat itself, I don't mind. We don't need an ally. We can do bad by ourselves, thank you very much.
  3. December 18 - Christmas Party. Nothing special. I don't actually know why I look forward to this.
  4. December 21 - Chocoholics' 3rd Anniversary. We'll make this one real special since it's the *sniff* last one we'll get in high school.
  5. DECEMBER 25 - It's the most wonderful time of the year. With kids jingle belling and everyone telling... okay, you know the song so I'm going to stop now.
Well, have a happy December everyone! Cheers! :)
Procastinator - Sandwich

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