Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Like a week that's only mondays, only ice cream never sundaes.

A remarkably peculiar epiphany dawned upon me just a few moments ago. I am, under some circumstances, an emo.

It's funny to admit, really. But what difference does it make? The word itself is derived from the word emotional. And if you look it up in the dictionary, being emotional is not that bad. If we don't interpret our emotions, we'll be like zombies ordered to function on a certain daily basis.

The truth is, our culture has overstated that term and has associated many things with it. Over time it has been equivalent to side-swept bangs, slashed wrists, eyeliners, noisy guitar riffs, and melodramatic vocals. That's why it's shameful to entertain the fact that you're one of them.

It's closely similar to liking the whole Twilight franchise. I don't like Twilight, just to clear things out. But there are some people out there who actually do, but are ashamed to say so. Because if you say you're a Twilight fan, you're also saying Bella and Edward is the best fictional couple there is, you're secretly praying Edward Cullen is real (but there's no chance he'll ever be, so stop dreaming), and you're a member of every possible Twilight forum. But you're not. Maybe like me, you just find some parts of the plot quite interesting and Jacob Black as one hot werewolf.

It's really peculiar a thought like this ever came to my mind. Especially in a time of giving and merrymaking. And so, I leave you with this video. All of the top 25 tunes of 2009 played together. It's brilliant.

I'm off, I still have some hearts to break. Haha. Enjoy the rest of the week! :)
Without Love - Hairspray Soundtrack

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Wish upon a silver cloud.

The holidays will give you boredom synonymous to a Saturday that runs for seventy-two hours-- I can attest to that. So with plentyyy of time to kill, I had my first try of putting the macro feature in the camera into use. And alas! Those are the results. The lighting could have been better, but well, who cares.

PS. The idea was originally from Krizzia, so many thanks :)
PPS. They're the presents I got for this year, by the way.

241 - Rivermaya

You make it easier when life gets hard.

I've been trying with my utmost efforts not to feel lonely today. Yet like a missed exam in MAPEH or like an increasing debt in your class fund, it's something you can't avoid. I hate this. I partly hate vacations because you have nothing to do but rot and smell in your own friggin' room. It's horrible and it's disgusting. I miss school. I miss tapping Leide's shoulder every chance I get to. I miss Dory's bitter but entertaining passages written on the board. I miss my classmates who call my attention for my mirror/powder/tablet paper. I miss secretly munching at Ma'am Chavez's class. I miss the escape, the bliss SkyFlakes gives every time I hunger. I even miss Sir Jonatz who always tries best to look sharp in his low-waist jeans, visible undies, and Penshoppe shirts. And this is just the Christmas vacation, how much more after graduation(AAH, the g-word)?

Lucky - Jason Mraz and Colbie Cailat

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Love isn't love till you give it away.

Before my brain heads for another somersault, and while the remnants of last night's party still sting clearly, I will be publishing the customary post-party entry. I won't be narrating you the tales of yesterday anymore. I'm aware that you've had your own parties and principally, ours was boring. Instead, I think I'll just be posting some photos from last night. I do have a lot of those.

I hope you don't get misdirected by the photos. I was there but I don't have, and will never have that courage to take a sip. I still have plenty of years left to enjoy. Well, chow!

**Photos compiled on Paint. Oh yes. Seriously.
Send It On - Disney Stars

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It feels like fourteen carats but no clarity.

" You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She’s not perfect - you aren’t either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don’t hurt her, don’t change her, don’t analyze and don’t expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she’s not there. "
— Bob Marley

Again, nothing substantial.
I can't believe my colds are back again.
My immunity is getting weaker by the minute.
It's the first day of my last Intrams in high school today. How ironic.
If you're not going to count Micah's extra sweet gesture, nothing good happened today.
I want to/shall sleep after this.
But then, I can't.
20 Dollar Nose Bleed - Fall Out Boy

Monday, December 07, 2009

I'm not the kind of girl to complicate the past.

In a pathetic attempt to give my readers (or imaginary friends) their daily fill of my rubbish blabbering, I will be publishing an entry from my Values Ed. journal. This was written on October 14 this year. If you can't read it well (of course you can't), you can click the picture for better resolution. That's 1600 x 1094 pixels of unconcealed thoughts. No erasures. No scratch papers. Just real rants and raves.

A Love That Will Last - Renee Olstead

Sunday, December 06, 2009

And you asked me what I want this year.

I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
and designer love and empty things--
just a chance that maybe we'll find better days.
Two words: World peace.
Nothing more.

(I feel a need to post a photo here relating to world peace but I can't think of one. So, yeah.)

Better Days - Goo Goo Dolls

Friday, December 04, 2009

Pools of sorrow, waves of joy.

My favorite photo from that night. Maybe some things really are built to last. (:

Across The Universe - The Beatles

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Before the icing hits the cake.

Today marks the first day of December, and as the Slytherin blackboard reminds everyone, it's Christmas in twenty-four days. Well, as far as my calendar is concerned, there are only 5 days that I would gladly be looking forward to this month. And here they are:
  1. December 12 - The Mutya at Lakan Pageant Morning. I know it sucks like a leech (boring) but you, in case are rooting for a specific candidate, must accept that fact and arrive early to reserve yourself a seat. Haha. I'm part of the production staff so that's not a problem for me. Gahh. I'm so excited for this.
  2. December 14 - 17 - The Intramurals. We're seniors now so things are wayy more different. We're no longer the underdogs that three batches spite on. But if they want history to repeat itself, I don't mind. We don't need an ally. We can do bad by ourselves, thank you very much.
  3. December 18 - Christmas Party. Nothing special. I don't actually know why I look forward to this.
  4. December 21 - Chocoholics' 3rd Anniversary. We'll make this one real special since it's the *sniff* last one we'll get in high school.
  5. DECEMBER 25 - It's the most wonderful time of the year. With kids jingle belling and everyone telling... okay, you know the song so I'm going to stop now.
Well, have a happy December everyone! Cheers! :)
Procastinator - Sandwich