Thursday, August 27, 2009

When it rains on this side of town, it touches everything.

Don't get me wrong, I love the rain.

I love how the drips of rain produce an enchanting harmony as it fall on the roof. I love how beautiful it is looking at each tiny droplet, and watching it magically splatter into a thousand molecules. I love how a mass of people dash for cover against the gentle rain. I love how the temperature is perfectly fitting for a quick or a deep slumber. And of course, let's not forget the food. The cozy chows will not only warm your whole system but will also heighten your laziness(Haha [:).

But there is this one thing I hate about the rain. Getting my feet wet.

I know that rain equates to water, and that water is further linked to wetness; but I just hate it when my toes get soaked by who-knows-what. Just imagine the microbes, the cigarette butts, the scraps of plastic and the spit. The spit! That's the thing I hate the most.

I just hope it will not rain this hard or this often for the next days. Less than two weeks from now is our first parade. And we are so far from ready.


A silent combat has been going on. Of course, the backstabbing and the rumormill is inevitable. But no matter how serious it gets, I will suppress the urge to fight back. I'm not that stupid to stoop down to his very low level. I know better than that.

When It Rains - Paramore

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