Friday, June 05, 2009

This is the last time to get it right .


I've almost forgotten the swinging sensation that comes by whenever my fingertips interacts with our black keyboard. Yeah. I'm that dramatic. Now I can use and abuse our internet access whenever I wish to. Yahoo!

Moving on.

I have just officially gone through the first week of my last year. Does it really has to be that ironic? Pssh. I'm pretty sure this is going to be a tough year, though. And I hate it. I hate the fact that barely nine months from now, we'll be waving our bitter goodbyes and we will be attending who-knows-what universities. I hate the fact that we are the only senior section that is situated upstairs. I hate the fact that the classroom we happen to be occupying is the stupid and sultry computer lecture room. I hate the fact that by now, the only positive thing about our class is our convinient television (We can watch Wowowee and Kambal Sa Uma without difficulty. HAHA. Yeahright. Like that helps). I really, really hate the fact that our section name is IV - GRYFFINDOR (IV - C is a fat lot better and is easier to write). I hate the fact that people expect us to behave and act like role models for younger levels when I know all we want to do is get loud and noisy and enjoy the remaining time in NCSHS- fountain of truth, eternal source of strength :)

And I really, really, really hate the fact that Filipino is our last subject. Enough said. XD

I think I'll be blogging more than usual. Emphasis on the word think since sometimes my thoughts are wrong. But then again, I'll try.

Get ready, get set, Kim Bum Bum Pow, I'm back.

And let the good times roll in case God doesn't show.

P.S. There are still more "I hate the fact that" but some of it are mean enough for me to be sent to the guidance office.

Asta Lavista, Beybe. :)

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