Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ang Katulad Mong Walang Katulad

After watching Gabe and Rosemary's love-that-was-unlooked-for fairytale minus the happy ending, it somehow got me thinking. So, who is my first love?

Well, before I embarrass myself and give my fair share of my first take on this so-called love, I would like to remind you that you are entering my kingdom; so if you happen to know who I am referring to, I would really appreciate it if you just keep it to yourself, okay?

So sit back, as I surrender the bitters and the sweets of my first love.

I think first saw him back on my playful, dirty elementary days. Since both her sister attended my school, I remembered seeing his face quite often. But it was not until last year when he stepped into my door as a sensible person.

He was far from Mr. Crush Ng Bayan, really. But he was a complete mimic of the guy of my dreams. He had black chinky eyes that glistened every time he flashes his warm, adorable smile. He's an active member of his Church and he's really closely-knitted to his family. He strums the guitar and is a computer literate, too. But above all that, the impression of him that's really etched in my mind is his disapproval for the utterance of bad words. Gosh, such a good boy.[I'm not a stalker, by the way.]

Anyway, I recalled my first encounter of him as a conversation in the virtual world. See, he was, and still is one of the pursuing suitors of one of my closest friends. And as misfortune would always play its foolish antics on me, believe it or not, Mr. First Love and I got a teensy weensy bit close.

Days passed, and I was turning into a matchmaker extraordinaire. Not only did I knew what was going on between them, I also transported messages for them. If you ask me, I don't know why I did that. But I guess I just can't wait for this two shy souls to jumpstart a mutual connection.

And then came the sappy part.

I think it was during the semester break when things metamorphosed into something awful and unforgiving. On a dark, wet October night, the whole family left to go to my cousin's debut. But due to my inborn hardheadedness, I was left alone. Frightened, I opened our PC to find company.

He was one of them. That's not the whole story though. May sinabi kasi siya nun na hinding-hindi ko talaga makakalimutan. And that was that.

When classes resumed, I hopelessly searched for his face on the crowd. Defeated, I headed back to our room. As I was climbing the stairs with a twinge of disappointment, I tilted my head up just to see the person I was looking for. Our eyes met for a while, and we managed to give each other a nod and a smile.

My heart was ready to burst. If only I could summon all the fairies of the underworld to sprinkle us with white roses and have us to live happily ever after, I would. But I know, you know, that I can't.

Although I always believe in happy endings, this story unfortunately don't have one. I still chat with him from time to time, and I think he already knows what my friends cruelly pointed out back then. Or maybe not. LG daw kasi siya eh. Yeah right.

And so. As I've said, this story isn't a good one to tell. Though I knew from the start that he will ALWAYS(a big emphasis on the word always) love her, I didn't expect anything to spark.

Media always has its way to say that love is beautiful. And I believe in that. Love always offer happiness, even just for a short span of time. And though this post opposes to that thought, indeed, love is beautiful. :)

Love is an ugly, terrible business practiced by fools. It'll trample your heart and leave you bleeding on the floor. And what does it really get you in the end? Nothing but a few incredible memories that you can't ever shake. The truth is, there's gonna be other guys out there. I mean, I hope. But I'm never gonna get another first love. That one is always gonna be him. :)
- Little Manhattan


Anonymous said...

awe.i love this post.loooovee it!

Nica Chavez said...

aww. may nka-appreciate. haha. nkkarela8 ka man gru. nyahahaha.