Friday, April 18, 2008

Guess Who's Back?

After what seemed to be years of absence, your resident naughty Nica is back on track. After several doubts and dual-thinking, I can't believe I'm finally back blogging. I really missed this.

Oh well, I'm not pretty much in the mood to write, or type, rather. What really gave me the urge to write was the farewell of Kristy Lee Cook from AI tonight. Booya! Finally, she's gone. I just can't stand her.

I'll give updates what truthfully happened to those three months and ten days of nonexistence. Well, I'll try.

I better drink my traditional hot milk and go to sleep now. Gahd. My eyes are so swollen. Just a few more puyat and my eyes will be like my sister's.

And if you're wondering who that good-looking, jaw-dropping, head-turning, pulchritudinous guy is, he is David James Archuleta, another finalist of AI. *swoons*

And if you, too, are a fan, this is a must-see. Ciao!

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