Wednesday, March 21, 2007

eveything happens for a reason, right?

Now Playing: We Could Be In Love by my Victoria Chavez [my sister]

Our final exams just ended. Our debate was just been concluded. And I've just been through one of the most exhausting weeks of my life.

For the past few days, I've been dealing with different ranges of emotions. A feeling of delight, misery, anxiety, guilt, excitement and confusion.

Delight, for we won our debate. Modesty aside, we had a total of 4-0, in favor of my group, the negative side. Our proposition was "Resolved, That divorce be legalized in the Philippines." So as a negative debater, we should overthrow this proposition. All I know is that we have a swooping score of 75 points. I know I'm being so arrogant and proud for saying these things, but, to tell you it was a wonderful sensation. But still, despite of this joyous moment, something bad still happened. And I prefer not to mention it.

Misery, because today is our 3rd Chocoholic Monthsary, we've planned a afternoon bonding at Jenny's house. But since we have this debate, Cam-cam and I wasn't able to join this supposedly unforgettable event. Hmmm, I wish I was there.

Anxiety, was what I felt before our debate. I was so afraid that I might run out of words to say. I was scared that maybe my opponent is so much stronger and fierce than me. I was even so frightened that I may stutter a lot and people will laugh at me. But good thing, this stuffs didn't occur to me.

Guilt, when I accidentally deleted our PC's sound card. It was such a depressing time for a music lover like me cause I can't hear the songs I want to hear. The radio had no great songs and I don't have any good CDs either. Hmp, it lasted for a week. Luckily, I accidentally reinstalled it. What a lucky accident.

Excitement, of course, summer vacation is coming! Now, I can have more time to sleep, eat, swim, wander off, goof around and surf the net without worrying about my studies. Actually, Jenny, Lala, Charm and I are planning to take violin lessons this summer to beat the boredom. I hope this will come true.

And finally, confusion. I experienced this during our exam. Since it was the finals, I didn't bother to review that much. In short, I was attacked my laziness again. The subject where I just got so confused was AP. It had a enumeration test and I didn't memorize anything! I just took guesses. I pray they're right!

And so, these are the emotions that run over me for the previous days. Emotions that seemed so simple yet can affect a person's reaction on a certain moment. Just remember,feel the right feelings, don't be too exaggerate and just appreciate what's happening. It doesn't matter whether you like it or you're unwilling for it. Cause everything happens for a reason, right?


Friday, March 16, 2007

i swear. i REALLY am busy.

Now Playing: The Remedy by Jason Mraz

The previous weeks have been so packed and busy that I haven't updated my blog. Anyways, I am currently loving Mr. A-Z (Jason Mraz) again. Hihi. When I heard No Stopping Us on the radio this morning, I was revived by his spell. Well, this is all for now. I'll update when I can.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Now Playing: What Goes Around.. Comes Around by Justin Timberlake

Rarr. I don't feel good. I don't even know why! Hmm.. I've got no coughs or colds. I'm not beatened up. I've got no scars or bruises. Nor am I brokenhearted! What the hell's happening to me? It's like, there's a tiny spot on my heart, that is unfilled. Don't even know what I should do about it. Haii. Life sucks right now.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

poor me.

Gosh. It's 7:37.. in the morning. I'm dead hungry and sleepy. I still have to finish this AP project. Wahaha. This is sick. Haay. My eyes are so swollen. Like I've got some black eye. Better do this fast so I can get some nice sleep again. C=

Saturday, March 03, 2007

not ready to make nice

Now Playing: Never Gonna Let You Go by Faith Evans

Wihi. I don't know what I should write. Hmm.. Let me think.

Right. About our class. Gosh, it's March already. 3 more weeks and its our vacation. Wow, time really fly so fast. I'll really miss them. Huhu. My daily naughtiness to Lucille. That "graph" session with Natalie. My mishief to Jackie. Camsquared's teases. Haii. And so much more. I'll miss all of those. =C

And oh, kanina nga pala, during our vacant time I had a talk with the Messy girls and Cam-cam. Natalie made a fool out of me ulit. Hihihi. We were talking about celebs, specifically Kim Chiu. Since I really hate her, I keep on criticizing her. The way she talk, dance and sing. Then Nax [Natalie], asked me to think of anyone better than her. Then. The End. c=