Tuesday, February 27, 2007

thank you!

Now Playing: Harana by Parokya Ni Edgar

I had a blast last February 24. It was my best birthday treat yet. So, here are the people I really want to thank.
  • My family. My parents, particularly. Thank you for the money and for my new pink wallet. Ahahaha.
  • My barkada, the Chocoholics Association. Thanks for the fluffy pillow and a great experience last Saturday. And even though Renille and Rizza didn't come, Rizza gave me a Princess Hours DVD.
  • To Jenny, my best friend. She gave me this really cute scrapbook which had dedications and pictures. I know she exerted so much effort, and I really want to thank her for that.
  • Those who greeted me personally or through Friendster and YM. I really appreciate it.
  • And last, but definitely not the least, God. For giving me a chance to live for 13 years. For all the blessings and oppurtunities.
Hmmm.. I guess that's all. If I forgot some, I'm sorry. Hahaha. Well, I'll post a link here for our project. I'll edit this later, I'm in computer shop right now. Bye!

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