Saturday, February 24, 2007


Now Playing: Crazy For This Girl by Evan and Jaron

Yesterday, during our vacant time, I had a little chit-chat with Natalie. We exchanged stories saying that life is always the same as the past day. Nothing great. Nothing extraordinary. If only life would be more unpredictable.

But I never thought, that wish would come true... TODAY.

This morning, I woke up the same as usual. I got up, went downstairs and decided to take a shower. In the midst of scrubbing my hourglass-like body, (Haha. It's free to dream, right?) something jump out of nowhere. A frog. I almost shrieked to death when I saw it. At first, it stayed still, doing that freaky breathing. So, since I couldn't take this matter on my own hands, I called my mom. She said I can handle it. She told me that I'm a grown girl turning 13 in which terminating a job is such an easy job. So, I swallowed my fear, and handled the brush with might. Eew, it started moving leaping. After a series of beating, I've finally freed the green creature.

I, therefor conclude that, I'm scared of frogs. No, make that TERRIFIED of frogs.

And I continued my bathing session. The End.

P.S. Before I had my battle with that amphibian, I put my clothes first. That's all. thank you.

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