Thursday, February 19, 2009

Will you come home and stop this pain tonight ?

Now Playing: I'm Lost Without You by Blink 182
Edward: "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU BELLA but I can't be with you because it's dangerous. YET I'M GOING TO STALK YOU ANYWAY and by the way, I'm a vampire and I love the smell of your blood. Then once I'm with you, I'm going to DISAPPEAR and destroy your life then come back and get all jealous over a werewolf who's YOUNGER than both of us and I'm not going to let you sleep with me until we're married - oh wait, I change my mind, just as you don't want too. By the way, I'll change you into a vampire once we're married and we can go out and suck blood together. Oh and I sniff sharpies and do heroine."

Bella: "OMG Edward I LOVE YOU AND I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU. I'm going to give up my LIFE for you and everything worthy about being human and destroy my parent's lives and hurt a million people just for you because I love you and I can't live without you even though you told me being a vampire totally SUCKS. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH EDWARD but I'm still going to go and KISS your arch enemy the WEREWOLF because I love him TOO, even though I'm engaged to you!! Oh, but wait I love you more. And no, I don't want to marry you right now, but yes, I want to be a vampire and be with you for the rest of my life. Yes, I want to sleep with you now, but wait - now that you want to I kinda want to do things right and wait."

Okay. I did not make that. I found that in the internet while I was purposely scanning for Anti-Twilight pictures while the Twilight hype was on a high. Good thing it has ceased already. It's really annoying. Everyone knew Twilight and they worshiped it like it was some divine creed or something. I can't even see why it was so. And they even dared to compare it to the Harry Potter series. Duh. Half of it won't even amount to J.K.'s mad writing skills. But there's no point in saying this. They're all in-love with the perfect Edward Cullen. Shameful psychos.

However, that does not lead me to the point of this entry. The truth is, I'm sick. And by sick , I mean being physically unwell and bedridden. This caught me off-guard since I have a strong resistance against illnesses and I normally get sick once every two years. I think this is what I get for those stupid wishes. Boohoo. I hope it doesn't last until Saturday. You know what I mean.

Monday, February 09, 2009

A sinking call, an out of sight hello.

Now Playing: December 2 Chapter VII by Taken by Cars

It's again that time of the year where roses are red, the music is set for the mood and the moon is like an egg yolk hanging on the vast dark sky. It's not Valentines Day, it's the penumbral lunar eclipse.

Of course, that was a joke.

The V-Day has gone and past my 14 (almost 15) years of existence, and leaving only chocolates that have been stored as fat, greetings and smiles from friends and that rose I got from my freshman year.

I'm not complaining. I'm young and I know that shouldn't get involve at a young age. But there is something that bugs me.

How come I never get lucky in love? My crush always end up with a girl (and they're just freshmen, mind you) and the unfortunate lads (yes, that's in plural form :D ) who had a liking for uhhm. . . me is not someone I want, or rather not someone I could want.

I'm so stupid for even opening this topic. I guess it's just that I don't give love much second thought and I'm afraid I'll end up like my sister. She's 20 years old but still cold this V-Day.

But for whatever it's worth, Cupid, point that arrow at me. :)