Monday, June 30, 2008

We'll make this thing work, but I think we should take it slow.

Now Playing: Just Like Heaven by The Cure

When you're a 6-year old child, your world revolves around your favorite teddy bear, the 48 crayolas you own and your best playmate that dances with you in the rain. But as you grow older, things get complicated, you get complicated. You're subjected to this whole cacophony of conflicting thoughts.

And it goes the same for every human being that ever existed in this fickle-minded world.

Just like what's happening between J and B right now (Woo! Pang-GossipGirl ah. Haha. Kilalanin niyo na lang sila.) I know I shouldn't put to much attention to it because that's their own businesses but after what I posted last time, I know I couldn't keep my mouth mum.

Precisely like any other people, the first months of their friendship (romance, I daresay) have fairly, smoothly went well. And I've been a witness to that. At some point, the CA opposed to their friendship-relationship but they survived that storm.

But not this time.

Words have been declared and tears have been shed.

I know that coward (the one who anonymously listed his/her name on my Cbox) told me that I'm being biased in this situation. I also know, for a fact, that I haven't heard his side of story. And I know that he has moved heaven and earth just to put back things where it belonged.

I don't know if they're already in good terms but if it's really over I think they should both stop obsessing over what they might have done to save it. And they just can't change the facts that made it so.

Time has a way of healing, or so they say. Sometime in the future, I hope they would do what is right to do. If it's really meant to be, then maybe, someday, they'll find a way to finish what they started.

Right now, I've officially raised my white flag. As far as I'm concerned, this war is over.

And both parties have won. :)

We are young

heartache to heartache,
we stand.
No promises,
no demands.
Love is a battlefield.
- Pat Benatar

Monday, June 23, 2008

My Hero

I really can't get enough of the adorable Hiro Nakamura. Di ko yan bagong crush ha, loyal ako kay Nate. He's really cute and the way he raises his glasses in the bridge of his nose and the way he says "I did it" in Japanese make me smile from ear to ear. I just finished Season One yesterday. Can't wait to get my hands on Season 2!

Maxine, Nica, Lianne and Bea.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

And I will try to fix you.

Now Playing: Smother Me by The Used

The first two weeks of term seemed to have dragged on forever, like one gigantic Chemistry lesson. And as if on cue, the low temperature surfacing the city just worsens the blow.

In fact, since classes have started, almost everything have changed.

As expected, we (CA and Boomers) were separated into different sections and finally after two years, I became classmates with my best friend again. Besides the vast vacancy of time in school, nothing--- not even a taste of my favorite hot fudge sundae, would ease the odd sensation that cripple my veins every single day.

Our uneventful surprise birthday plan backfired. The constant absence of a close friend does not only spike up jealousy but also cause some drastic change in our social gatherings. And the denial of another close friend about her current status has reached its most critical point.

Also, for the past few days, we've been trying to, somehow, patch up an old pair; although the other party is not being very helpful because of his contrasting messages, desperate pleas for attention and confessions of eternal love through self-pity and repetition.

On the other hand, the break-up of another couple have fairly been going well except for the girl's circle of friends (which includes me). Their plot of revenge might even lead them (us) to be in grave danger.

In some way, it may sound unbelievable that all these drama's going on when it's only been two weeks.

Everything's broken. Everything's just falling apart.