Thursday, July 09, 2009

Hope it gives you hell.

I am on a writer's block. Although I'm not officially known as a writer, I still want to use that 'cause it looks pretty cool. For unknown reasons, I just suddenly lost the ability and enthusiasm to produce new tangible posts. A lot has been going on, mind you. And it's not just the usual drama, this time, it's different. Might be because we're seniors now. Hmp. I really don't give a damn.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

There were lessons learned.


We've been tasked to reveal the things that we have acquired for the past weeks.

My first notion when I heard that we're going to study Computer Programming is that it's going to be more on the hardware. Like fixing computer circuits and cables and such. But when the subject came, my thought was wrong.

So far, we have discussed the matters regarding flowcharts and algorithms. It has been pretty good so far. I can easily relate it to life because we need to undergo failures and downfalls before we finally get it right. No pain, no gain - the old aphorism goes.

But it's not always pain. Learning computer programming in a fun way is beneficial to all of us because it teaches us how to learn one step at a time.

-Veronica Chavez

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

I'm your biggest fan. I'll follow you until you love me.

I haven't blog for awhile. Our computer is so rotten, it's better to push it to the drain. Hahaha. Nah. I'm just kidding. Actually, I'm using the computer access in our school right now. We told Ma'am Cathy we're going to use it for school paper purposes. That's partly true but apparently, not for me.

I don't know when I'm going to resume my writing. Hmm. I miss blogging, though. Everyone's into the blogging-thing again since our TLE teacher is requiring us. And the stupid Facebook. I don't think I'll join the Bandwagon. I'm better off without it.

I think this is goodbye. Our next class is Math. Yehey! - not. Pssh.