Saturday, September 27, 2008

And the seventh thing I hate the most that you do.

Now Playing: Decoy by Paramore

Today, this girl doesn’t feel like talking about herself. In fact, she feels like talking to herself. Which principally means she’ll be asking and answering her own questions. Which principally means she’s a strange, strange person who still doesn't know the right way to spend a constructive Saturday evening. And you, most certainly, shouldn’t be reading about this if you wish to make this day a rational one, but you know you will anyway.

Why do you write about yourself in the third person?
Because it's different. And being different is cool. Very cool.

And do you think you're a cool person?
In the most un-modest, un-pa-humble manner, I don't think I'm cool. Because besides the fact that I don't think, cool is not the right adjective to describe myself. There are over a million words in the English dictionary and I'll rather be illustrated as quirky, spontaneous and playful.

You mean like a child?
Yes, like a child.

But you are 14 years old, right?
Yes, I am 3 days, 7 months and 14 years old. Can you ask a different question? This is getting pointless.

Okay. So, what are your likes and dislikes?
I love mocha-flavored food, apples, listening to drip of the rain, typing the very last word of revision in our research and books that put me to sleep. I hate being exposed in the midday sun, Joe Jonas' growing hair which in retrospect doesn't suit him, tripping over infront of my crush because I've stared at his eyes too much that I forgot to see where I'm walking and marshmallows. Come to think of it, I hate marshmallows that's been mixed with melamine more. I hate marshmallows in general, because all sort of brain waves rushes into my head whenever I chew it. I do like chocolate marshmallows, though. And Kung Fu Kids' Marsh.

Why are you so weird?
I already told you, it's cool. But I'll also blame my family, or Demi Lovato's grin, or my childhood years or our country's dwindling economy. But unfortunately, there's no correct answer to this question.

Is your title inspired by Miley's hit single?
Yep. Almost everything about Miley Cyrus royally annoys me, but I actually find this song pretty cool. Mostly because, no matter how many times she denies this, it’s about Nick Jonas—and I heart Joe Jonas. I want to marry him, and pinch his rosy cheeks all-day long even if his voice sounds as if he's being squeezed in a cola bottle.

You make me love you. :D

Monday, September 22, 2008

Things are shaping up to be pretty odd.

Somewhere in the galaxy, there's a girl, with her feet throbbing in tedious pain, inputs her vents into the World Wide Web. Some will read it, some won't.

But that's not the real story.

The real story is about friendship and love. About trust, loyalty and courage. It's about life and time and change. Girls and boys write stories just like her. They hide in veils and masks and hope to fit in. Some did. Some didn't. It's a story that has history and chapters yet to be written.

Sometimes to find the real story, you have to look away, into the shadows on the fringe of the obvious. Can you see it?

Somewhere in the galaxy, there's a girl, with her feet throbbing in tedious pain, inputs her vents into the World Wide Web. Critics will criticize and spectators will spectate. They'll talk how wrong the writer's grammar is or how she polish her words to draw more audience.

But that's not the real story. As a matter of fact, that's not the story at all.