Friday, December 31, 2010

The finish line's a good place we could start.

If the epic Harry Potter had its Deathly Hallows, the legendary The Beatles concluded with Abbey Road and the heartwarming Toy Story ended with, well, Toy Story 3, then manicaaaa has her version of a historic farewell too.

You know, that preamble sounds tad better when it's in my head. But now that it's out there it sounds more stuck-up than I intend to. Not my fault. I was aiming for a dramatic goodbye anyway.

Yes, this is the end folks. The end as we know it. It has been quite a good run, huh? A four year-run to be precise. I'm ending "Waiting for my Rocket to Come" because I believe my rocket has finally come. Finally.

All was well. Here comes the sun. So long, partner.